Re: Jetlasers GB #7 is NOW ongoing- LQQK
I don't think any apologies are necessary for spending the time to get them right. I am very impressed with your open discussion and aggressive approaches to the problem. It is very interesting to read what is being done.
Thanks a lot, Tsteele.

Yes, the problems will and have to be solved anyway but time might be killed in waiting.

It would have saved the issues if jetlasers thought everything through.
Hey, I was wondering; is the PL-D Pro 532nm available in any of the sub-300mW variants? Particularly the 150mW variant. A friend of mine wants to get into lasing, but doesn't want to spring for a CNI like I did when I started out. Meanwhile, I'm contemplating one of those tasty 1.5W 445nm PL-E Pros.
Hey Spenkmage, thanks for asking.

Yes, we added 150mw/200mw/250mw into the power level options.
The GB price is 150$/190$/240$. The pros is that PL-D pro is kinda of bulky for 150mw.
For 445nm, we only got two options to provide so far, a 1.2-1.3w focus adjustable version, a 1.5w with fix focus. It should have been pushed to higher power but to better the beam quality bit by bit, we didnot go that far. The first group of finished models are not with either tec or fan cooling but the duty cycle can be also continuous.
The GB Price is as follows:
1.2-1.3w focus adjustable version : 250$
1.5w with fix focus: 260$
l was just thinking and I maybe way off on this one but if battery drain is an issue then why not make a battery extenion tube for 18650 if it can run on 2 3.6v or 2 3.7v ?
Just thinking , could be totaly wrong.
You're right Xenophobe

. Battery extenion tube is readily available but only for 405/445nm who entails a volt of 8v or the like.
Now a single 18650(with a case reducer) or 26650 is good for the 532nm.
For 445nm, 2x16340(mostly 800mah only or 2x18650(mostly 2200-3000mah) or 2x26650(3000-5000mah) are no problem. Button top 18650/26650 is recommended to tighten the contact coz as tested, two pcs of flat top ones dont contact/connect well. I'm posting pics later.
Have a nice weekend.:thanks: