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FrozenGate by Avery

I've seen the light, and the light is white.

I don't think so. Look at the post DATE & TIME. rob

PS, JASON, you have a PM waiting to be read.....
Uhh, it was a joke...
Does every joke in forum has to be decorated with a good amount of smilies and slengs? (:D :) :crackup: LOL ROFL ROTFLOL)

I mean... LOL means : Laughing out loud,
I really do not laugh out loud at my computer when typling so I do not find the need to type that.
I just figured that people will get the joke...

My appologies:yabbem:

OMG, I can't wait! This should look cool...
can someone tell me, what is the beam width on these powerful gas lasers? Do they have the same burning capabilities as a handheld?
I'm selling fresh popcorn, snacks & drinks! The strawberries are my own stash tho. I've got a propane burner for real meals but I might bring in a generator & mircowave too. (I'm missing my daly recomended does of microwaves camping out here)
OMG, I can't wait! This should look cool...
can someone tell me, what is the beam width on these powerful gas lasers? Do they have the same burning capabilities as a handheld?

The beam is about 2mm at the aperture, and generally has better divergence than a handheld.

As far as burning goes, they do it pretty well :eg:
The beam is about 2mm at the aperture, and generally has better divergence than a handheld.

As far as burning goes, they do it pretty well :eg:

wow..... that's even better width than a diode! I imagine it can pop balloons pretty well :crackup: I was expecting like 10mm at least or something.
my little Uniphase argon pops balloons and lights matches no problem, his should have no issue, heck it could probably light stuff on fire
my little Uniphase argon pops balloons and lights matches no problem, his should have no issue, heck it could probably light stuff on fire

Heck yeah it could. A HGM5 running at 4W will light stuff on fire, and I imagine they have a slightly wider beam than the 168s.
Guys there is a really old but awsome video on youtube I saw LOOOONG ago,

It shows 4W Argon Ion laser lighting stuff on fire and melting solder and such wonders.

BTW, anybody know the song in the background there?
Here's the vid:

According to the description, LRMNmeyer posted it for Cyparagon. You could ask him, since he made it he would know.
