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FrozenGate by Avery

If Someone Broke into your House???

Actually, none broke into my house, yet :scowl: ..... and if this may happens, i have a composter pit for take care of them (or, at least, of the remaining parts :p :D), and if they does not fit into the composter pit, there's a deep lake in front of my house, and a lot of heavy stones in it ;) ..... no need to annoy the local police officers with insignificants details :whistle: :eg:.....
I think some of you need to WAKE UP to the reality of what intruders do for a living and the reality for them of being caught or bothered with a "pain in the butt" victim results in. If you really love life or your loved ones then you had better forget about playing with toys. Do a simple search on the internet for atrocities that result with the planned or random invasion of a home. I live in Kansas and some of the worst disasters are not caused by tornado but the prolific numbers of scum that prey on any and everybody of opportunity. Kansas is a fairly safe place to live victim wise but the unprotected odds are not even worth playing when you should have been paying attention and playing it safe.
^ right for this i said about "composter pit" and "lake and stones" ..... it was not totally a joke.

Also, here the laws are so idiotics about "excess of self defense" and so on, that the suggestion to kill a weaponed intruder and "vanish" it without call the police, was gave me from a friend that actually IS a police officer ..... figure yourself the rest :p
In the UK YOU would get put in jail for defending your home. Hurt the person breaking into your house and it's you that gets taken in to the police station for assault. CRAZY !!!
All the more reason to invest in a gun and use it.
If in the UK, your going to jail anyway for a defensive action, might as well make it count.

In the UK YOU would get put in jail for defending your home. Hurt the person breaking into your house and it's you that gets taken in to the police station for assault. CRAZY !!!
I'd rather blind someone than kill them personally, if someone broke in I'm disabled so running isn't really a option.

No, you'd want to kill the person because only then can you guarantee that you can get away. With a laser, chances are, you will miss your target, or at best only partially or temporarily blind the aggressor and they'll retaliate on you. Think of trying to blind someone with your laser as holding a handgun by the barrel, and shooting out at target the size of a person's pupil on moving target that is aware of your presence at 10ft. Yeah, good luck with that.

Furthermore, the purpose of a firearm is less about killing the criminal and more about threatening to kill the criminal. You won't have that kind of threat with some tube that shines light. The aggressor may not even understand the dangers of the laser, especially if you're not going to lecture him on them, and seeing that you have a weapon in hand will be more apt to act and attack you. Hell, even if the criminal does know the dangers, he could just close his eyes and assault you. What will you do then?

If you're going to arm yourself, do it right, or don't arm yourself at all. Furthermore, if you're going to shoot someone, kill the person so they can't sue you, return to pay the favor, or continue the attack. I wouldn't settle for a single shot either; it'd be 4-5 shots in the person to make sure I did the job right and hit the target. You only get one chance.
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^ then a short barrels 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 5mm pellets shells is also better ..... shoot the first at legs, if you want, and if it's not enough, there's always the second shoot :p

(and there's not also the need to aim precisely, with it :p :eg:)

Pity only that they are banned by law here ..... :whistle:
Short answer=Awful idea
Long answer=You're better off just getting a gun and killing the scumbag. Even if you successfully blind him with a laser then you'll have a pissed off and disoriented guy in your house firing his gun randomly in your direction. Also guns are better because the dead don't sue:angel:

Basically if you're interested in protecting your home I'd recommend going out and picking up a good 12 gauge shot gun or 9mm handgun.
Personally, I would just set up my little buddy and hang out on the couch with it sitting in front of me, aimed at the front door

Aside from the fact that original question is serious, "What's the best way to defend myself if attacked at home?", paraphrasing there, I was laughing greatly reading all the responses. Just because it all has a bit of black humor to it. I especially loved the sentry project link, ha ha. I was also imaging someone threatening a burglar with cancer thirty years from now, after he closed his eyes to the laser.

With that said, please invest in a Remington 870 Magnum Express shotgun, grab some double-ought or triple-ought shells and keep it ready for use if you so ever need to us it. Of course, keep in mind the environment as well. If you live alone you don't have to worry about kids or stupid adults playing with a loaded weapon. I would also recommend getting a 16" barrel and pistol grip stock. This is just to make it easier to wield in a home. If you've ever had a 22" barrel and rifle stocked shotgun you know what I mean. One last thing to consider is that if you live in apartments shotgun shot could injure your neighbors from going through walls into their residence. Pistol rounds will have less penetrating power in walls and such due to the lower momentum, but will be a lot more difficult to land a shot on your target without regular practice on your weapon.
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Aside from the fact that original question is serious, "What's the best way to defend myself if attacked at home?", paraphrasing there, I was laughing greatly reading all the responses. Just because it all has a bit of black humor to it. I especially loved the sentry project link, ha ha. I was also imaging someone threatening a burglar with cancer thirty years from now, after he closed his eyes to the laser.

With that said, please invest in a Remington 870 Magnum Express shotgun, grab some double aught or triple aught shells and keep it ready for use if you so ever need to us it. Of course, keep in mind the environment as well. If you live alone you don't have to worry about kids or stupid adults playing with a loaded weapon. I would also recommend getting a 16" barrel and pistol grip stock. This is just to make it easier to wield in a home. If you've ever had a 22" barrel and rifle stocked shotgun you know what I mean. One last thing to consider is that if you live in apartments shotgun shot could injure your neighbors from going through walls into their residence. Pistol rounds will have less penetrating power in walls and such due to the lower momentum, but will be a lot more difficult to land a shot on your target without regular practice on your weapon.

Pistol rounds will have less penetrating power in walls? This greatly depends on what pistol or revolver rounds your weapon uses. But to be safe and you need to be safe, you can purchase frangible ammo to greatly reduce the possibility of over penetration so that only the "bad guy" gets hurt.
By the way we just had a incident here where the "bad guy" with the gun a 280 lb monster accidentally shot his partner while threatening the home owner. His partner ended up dying but the point here is you never know when you could have a world of hurt come busting into your home to harm you or your loved ones.
Pistol rounds will have less penetrating power in walls? This greatly depends on what pistol or revolver rounds your weapon uses.

You are correct, thank you. I didn't want to go into specifics about ammunition rounds and was just making a general statement. I figured if one was to actually go into a gun shop and ask about home defense they would recommend a frangible round to them for a pistol, and subsequently recommend a newer gun owner a 9mm due to the cost of larger rounds.

EDIT: Personally I like Glocks, and my Glock 20 is my favorite. It even goes with me on camping trips to keep me safe from unscrupulous locals/hikers and aggressive game.
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Glaser frangible bullets, anyone ? :p :D



(just for the fun :p :crackup:)
