DIBS now on highest WL diode you are willing to part with. I said it. Single, double, triple, and quadruple dog dibs.
I'm buying my own anyway, but I like what you're saying here.
As for a UV diode...honestly, really, they aren't that exciting. It's basically a 405nm diode, but you only get the illumination it gives to dyed fabrics and GITD material. However the spot is near-invisible like IR.
It would be cool to have, but I can't justify spending $500-600 on a laser that I can't see, CO2 aside of course because reasons.
However. Using the 337nm output from a low-torr, vacuum sealed, N2 laser pumping a set of five servo-mounted front-surface mirrors going to five separate dye cells with different dyes, allowing me to select which portion of light from uv to blue, blue to green, green to orange, and orange to red, and red to IR? Then sending that output through a prism and then a spatial filter? In order to get broadband tunability from UV to IR? Yeah. That's something I'd be willing to play ball with.
*eye-balls schematic scribbled on a napkin at SELEM*