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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Holographic Laser Warning Decals!

Great looking decals, very professional! :beer:
Contacted you on your Website regarding some custom size decals.
I'll be ordering some new decals soon, as the Skylasers groupbuy is almost over. Oh, amd those signs look awesome! I think I just might have to get one, too!
Glad to hear it everyone, and thanks for the pics.

All pre-January 13 orders are shipped. All current orders after that date should be shipping out in the next few days.

Later everyone, thanks for your continued business and support!
Recieved my stickers yesterday :D

They sure look nice and detailed!
I allready loved the envelop it was sended in :yh:

:thanks: :beer:
Thanks Smeerworst, I'm glad you liked them. And the envelope was my special gift to you. :crackup:
Hi Nick,
Received my order today. Excellent Job!!

BTW - Those custom triangular ones are just what I wanted. :cool:

Yo man, would really appreciate it if you sent a shipping confirmation email. Only one I got was from PayPal, I just like knowing all the steps :)

In other news, cut this in half and looks awesome on one of Blord's 501B Blue hosts.



I completely understand what you mean. Since I use PayPal checkout, the order confirmation email you get is from them. Also in order to keep prices on these custom decals down, I must minimize the time spent on them. Repeatedly emailing dozens of people each time a batch goes out or an order is taken, takes some time and is the main reason I switched to taking orders via a website instead of via PMs.

Please understand it already takes a great deal of time to make these decals. And time is what is in the greatest shortage. If I spend more time on emails it will increase wait times and potentially prices.

However, please feel free to send me a PM or email if you ever want to check on an order. I will definitely get back to you as soon as possible with a status. (One email a week is much easier to manage than dozens)

But as you said "in other news"
Those hosts look great. That was very creative cutting the decals so they fit the 501-b!

I appreciate everyone's business and I hope I can continue to offer a product of value to the forum.
Makes a lot of sense actually, I sometimes forget not everyone is working almost slave labour rates in a random chinese factory...

Does PayPal let you add a note to your automatically generated confirmation email? Even something like "you won't get a shipping confirmation" or something to that effect. Could make things easier for everyone I think.

Also, bit of thread hijacking, I saw you had some sweet glow powder experiments where you put some powder inside (what looks like) a 3 element glass 445 lens. You wouldn't happen to be selling them at all would you?
