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Holographic Laser Warning Decals!

Thanks everyone. As always the compliments mean a lot to me.

All orders have been shipped out as well. Even yesterdays ;)
I got a little ambitious and with the holidays around the corner I didn't want to get behind.

do you still have these for sale?? if so i would want 2 the same ones as in the pics.
just ordered some stickers off your website thanks a lot..
Can't wait to get them!!!
Hey RJ, sorry I didn't get to respond to you any sooner. I do see that your order went through without a problem. I will get to work on the decals right away.

If there's anything else I can do please feel free to send me another message.
Hey RJ, sorry I didn't get to respond to you any sooner. I do see that your order went through without a problem. I will get to work on the decals right away.

If there's anything else I can do please feel free to send me another message.

Just placed a website order for 11 pieces. (second time ordering from you :) )
Your website looks absolutely user friendly :gj:


Cheers, Sm
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Was looking at the ordering site and I saw those Aluminium signs. Do you have any pictures of them?
Yeah sure, ARGLaser. Here are some pictures of a blank aluminium sign. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of a complete sign as I make each one to order. But I assure you that the signs are made to the highest quality possible and that the graphics will be sharp and free of imperfections.



Please also take note that the mounting holes will not be visible from the front unless you choose to use them. In which case it is very simple to press a bolt through the pre-punched holes.

I hope this information helps. If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.
Just a question about my order :tired:

Do you get any confirmation ? sinds i didn't got any, not even after my post here in this topic :cryyy:

Cheers, Sm.
Hey Smeerworst, did you not get a PayPal notification when you placed the order? I haven't made order confirmation emails as I didn't want to have two duplicate emails (one from paypal and one from me) send out at the same time.

Either way I'm sorry. I hope it didn't seem like I was ungrateful for your business. I have confirmed that your order went through without a problem and it shipped out to you yesterday.

I hope I've answered your question and feel free to PM me with any further questions/concerns.

PS I'll look into making an automated order confirmation email of my own.
Neat! Thanks for the pictures. May have to buy one with my next order :D
Hey Smeerworst, did you not get a PayPal notification when you placed the order? I haven't made order confirmation emails as I didn't want to have two duplicate emails (one from paypal and one from me) send out at the same time.

Either way I'm sorry. I hope it didn't seem like I was ungrateful for your business. I have confirmed that your order went through without a problem and it shipped out to you yesterday.

I hope I've answered your question and feel free to PM me with any further questions/concerns.

PS I'll look into making an automated order confirmation email of my own.

Hi NickD070,

First off, best wishes for 2013.

Yeah i did recieve a paypal payed notification, but that's just a standard thingy.
It doesn't really tell you the order has bin recieved other then the money has bin send.

This is actually my second order from you, but now true your webpage :)
So i had to ask if the order has bin recieved :) (looks like it did)

I would like to thank you for your service and confirmation on this.
Yes a automated order confirmation would be lovely :)

I appriciate your contribution for us LPF users!
Keep it up.


Best regards, Sm.
Thanks for your understanding Sm. I'm sure you'll love your new decals.
It's great to be able to offer something back to the forums!

And I'm glad you like them ARG. I can do any sort of custom design on them as well.
Hey man Just wondering if my order has shipped??? And can you make a BIG sticker??
the size is approximately 12" X 5"???

Thanks RJ'
12" is a little bigger than I could do. I can do up to about 10" in one direction.
What type of decal were you considering (holographic, metallic, glow)?

And yes, your order has shipped as well, RJ.
