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Hit in eye with 1000mw 445nm blue laser


Nov 27, 2011
I was trying out a rig i put together to try to create a "liquid sky" effect and had the laser laying on the back of a recliner. Well, it started to roll off the recliner and the beam hit me in the right eye for less than a second as it was falling off. Now i have a dark red bur in the center of my right eye. It did not hurt whatsoever, so i didn't think it was enough time to do any damage but it's been a couple hours since then and it doesn't seem to be any better. If it's not any better tomorrow I'll probably be going to get this checked out. Anyone else had an experience like this?


This is mentioned at the end of this thread, but I thought I would post it here just to get the attention of those that may not wish to read such a long thread. If you wish to read about the event, you will have to follow the thread, though :)

I have been approved for stem cell treatments that may be able to regenerate the damaged retina cells that I lost. The treatment is $7600, which I simply cannot afford. If any of you feel generous and would like to contribute to this cause, you may donate at the link below. Thank you very much for your support!

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I was trying out a rig i put together to try to create a "liquid sky" effect and had the laser laying on the back of a chair. Well, it started to roll off the chair and the beam hit me in the right eye for probably about 1 second as it was falling off. Now i have a dark red bur in the center of my right eye. It did not hurt whatsoever, so i didn't think it was enough time to do any damage but it's been a couple hours since then and it doesn't seem to be any better. If it's not any better tomorrow I'll probably be going to get this checked out. Anyone else had an experience like this?

Go get it checked out NOW!!!

You need to see an ophthalmologist, a retina specialist as soon as possible. Do not delay. There could be swelling within your eye that can make the problem even worse.

Check with your local ER... depending on where/what time zone you're located in, they may have an ophthalmologist on call who could take a look at your eye, and if needed, and treat it if necessary.

If not, they can probably at least direct you to the nearest ophthalmologist.
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go NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW to the eye Doctor NOW they have meds that ccan help heal it partially. a 1W laser is no joke. most likely you have permanent damage
go NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW to the eye Doctor NOW they have meds that ccan help heal it partially. a 1W laser is no joke. most likely you have permanent damage

I'd say definitely...

The meds are basically anti inflammatory, so they may help in reducing the amount of damage around the affected area, but they won't do anything for the burn spot itself:(

I was paranoid from having glanced at the dot of a 1.2W laser from a foot away on matte surface... a direct hit... I'd be in the ER as soon as possible. Not much that can be done, but better than nothing.
Well basically at this point you've toasted a significant amount of your eye cells, you can only hope that the eye doctor can prescribe medication to help prevent any further damage and maybe regain some of your central vision. (even if you don't, your brain will automatically compensate for the damage but objects in the damaged area will appear blurry)
Every minute you waste could be more vision loss as inflammation prevents proper nurishment and oxygen to your retina. emergency room please
These kinds of posts make my skin tingle... This is always my worst nightmare.
I'd say definitely...

The meds are basically anti inflammatory, so they may help in reducing the amount of damage around the affected area, but they won't do anything for the burn spot itself:(

I was paranoid from having glanced at the dot of a 1.2W laser from a foot away on matte surface... a direct hit... I'd be in the ER as soon as possible. Not much that can be done, but better than nothing.

i was paranoid looking at a phr on a wall about a foot or 2 away:o
Go get it checked out NOW!!!

You need to see an ophthalmologist absolutely as soon as possible.

You may want to just jump go to the ER... depending on where/what time zone you're located in.


That's why we are very pushy on here for people to always wear the proper goggles. Oh well. I really hope you did what everyone told you and went to the doctor right away. I hope the damage isn't too bad. :cryyy:
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Speaks volumes about wearing eye protection goggles at all times with active lasers.

When something happens it goes down very fast and is unanticipated.

Hope you saw an MD and damage is not permanent.
OMG! I hope you are okay! You need to go to the doctor ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean go now!
"It did not hurt whatsoever, so i didn't think it was enough time to do any damage"

There aren't any pain nerves in the retina. If you haven't seen an eye specialist yet GO NOW. And I wish you the best of luck. Please come back soon and let the forum know what the diagnosis and prognosis is.

And in the future I'm betting you'll wear your goggles!
Hopefully, tonight, a few more people suddenly are a little bit less lax about eye protection.

Was it a -direct- hit, for a full second, really?
