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FrozenGate by Avery

Hello im Fat0panda from Australia

I vote we just overrun thins forum ;) I live in Qld, will. It's the queens birthday tomorrow, so we get Monday off :D

On another note, do any of you do graphical designs? I'm in a graphics class at the moment.
i make shirt/sticker/iphone cover/ipad cover designs and sell them on the interwebs :D

i go back to work on tuesday arvo UMAD?
Not really :p I am interested in this shirt/sticker/iphone cover/ipad cover designing. Can you please tell me more? :D For example, who do you sell them to?
Not really :p I sell them on the black market to arms dealers :D
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i make shirt/sticker/iphone cover/ipad cover designs and sell them on the interwebs :D

i go back to work on tuesday arvo UMAD?

I don't work Tuesdays, so I go back on Wednesday night! DOYOUEVEN5DAYWEEKEND?
I used to do free graphics for people on YouTube, then I stopped :p.

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I know the power of a milkshake very well... *squints eyes* *queue western stand off music*
I don't know about all you guys but my milkshake bring's girls to my yard! :spank:
On the iPad I have to click in the "rep-comment-box" 2-3 times till I´m able to leave a comment.

Try what LaZers said and type what you want to put elswhere and then copy it. Click on rep box and paste it in. Works so well! Tell you what, I will be a martyr here and let you try to rep me via this method. I know, I know, I am such a nice guy, really taking one for the team :angel:

