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Harvesting the Lite On 12X

I believe drlava and dave is going to do some testing on these. I'm anxiously awaiting their results...


Thanks for posting this guide. I have one of the sleds from Rayfoss on the way. I am expecting it soon and was searching for some data on how these perform in comparison to the BDR-205's. This was the only thread that came up other than the 12x sled thread that made me interested in ordering it. This diode is not even listed in the 12X Diode sticky. I know 445 killed the radio star but was hoping to find something. Anyway was wondering if you did anything with the one you harvested?

If not I will post what limited info I can provide when mine gets here.
Wow I'm so glad I came across this thread, I hope they really are what Rayfoss advertises them to be. And right after everyone began wishing that high powered 405's were closer to 455 in price.
Got my sled today. I could not wait to get home from work so I dove right in.

It came packaged in a nice antistatic bag.

It really is smaller that I thought by looking at Daguin's pics. But this is my first harvest.

On the back I removed the two highlighted screws and pried the plate off that was just held down with a little adhesive.

Now you have exposed the fun parts. In blue is the blueray 405nm diode and in red it the 660nm diode.

On the other side I found it easy to cut all the ribbons and pop the tab on the left and just remove the board. There are two ribbons on the right that are not shown but you get the picture.

When you are done cutting the ribbons you can remove the board.

Then flip it back over and use a small flat head screwdriver to wiggle the diode and heatsink out. When you are done this is what you should have.


Then all I did was take a flat toped screw and pushed not very hard on the top of the diode holding the sides of the heat sink and it came right out.(was surprised how little force was necessary).

And that is. I am at work so I will have to wait till I get home to throw it in a host. I will probably set it to 350mA and see how it fairs before turning it up.

There is also a red diode in these that looks like it will take a little more work to get it out of its heat sink but that is a project for another day. I believe it can do around 250-300mW and is definitely worthy as well.

Final Thoughts

This sled does look Identical to the one that Daguin harvested directly from the Lite On drive so it looks like Rayfoss has come through.

So for $69 shipped you get a 12X 405nm diode and a maybe 250-300mW 660nm diode. Great deal if you ask me. But It may still be to soon to talk since I have not got it in a host and running yet. More to come.
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Alright folks. I got home from work and the first thing I did was slap this beauty into a temporary host. I do have a Stainless Steel C3 coming when Jay gets back from camping.

Current runtime 3.5 hours. Trying to keep a runtime tally as accurately as possible. Will update regularly.

I really want to test the durability of this diode and decided that I was aiming for 650mW for starters.

It seems very stable and after 2 minute test it did not feel all that warm. There is a copper module in this host. I will be glad to run any tests on this diode that I am capable of for you guys. Just let me know. I will be keeping a running tally of how long it has been in use and keep you updated. At 10 minutes so far.

EDIT 9/6
Upped the driver to 580mA and now it puts out 777mW

I have already put in for another sled and if this one holds up till it gets here I will try to go for closer to 800-900mW that has been achieved by some members.

This is my first high power 405 and man it really is hard to focus your eyes on the dot.

And as always here are some of my famed beamshots. Compared with my 560mW 445nm SS 10440.



Anyway hope this can help spur some interest in 405 again.
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That's another nice output DTR!

I wonder what current it is running at? :thinking: :whistle: :poke: :eg:

Sorry, couldn't resist! :crackup:

I know all has gone mad on the 445 front lately but I'm aching to see some more graphs for these diodes to compare with the BDRs. I'm not even sure what current I'd choose to start at for these?

Please, please, please can we have some more info?

I'll still order one but I know they are out there and people must have some data?



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Wow thats really incredible DTR, thanks! Do you plan on testing the red anytime soon?
Wow thats really incredible DTR, thanks! Do you plan on testing the red anytime soon?

I have actually been reading up on combining two of them with a PBS cube for a 500mW of red. If I can get the diodes to to 250mW each and find a good setup for it.
What size are the red diodes, (he says, hoping this question isn't in the first post!), ? The reds in the BDR-205 sled are 3.6mm aren't they? With that, 'in-line', pin configuration from your post a few back I am suspicious these aren't 5.6mm diodes! Can you take some macro shots... Frankly any shots for comparisons next to known diodes.


What size are the red diodes, (he says, hoping this question isn't in the first post!), ? The reds in the BDR-205 sled are 3.6mm aren't they? With that, 'in-line', pin configuration from your post a few back I am suspicious these aren't 5.6mm diodes! Can you take some macro shots... Frankly any shots for comparisons next to known diodes.



I was wondering exactly the same thing. I couldn't tell from the pictures
What size are the red diodes, (he says, hoping this question isn't in the first post!), ? The reds in the BDR-205 sled are 3.6mm aren't they? With that, 'in-line', pin configuration from your post a few back I am suspicious these aren't 5.6mm diodes! Can you take some macro shots... Frankly any shots for comparisons next to known diodes.



It is a flat plastic package with the semiconductor deposited on a small metal plate and covered in plastic. I have some close-ups of one here http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/micro-2d-bar-code-printed-dye-54006.html
Here are some pics I took of it. Did not really look at it till now but it is not something that is going to go in an Aixiz housing. This one will take some work to get out. I will try grinding the heatsink away tomorrow and post some pics when I get it out.


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Just an FYI

I was asked to keep a running total on use of this unit and I am happy to say it has made it to 2 hours today.:D
That's another nice output DTR!

I wonder what current it is running at? :thinking: :whistle: :poke: :eg:

Sorry, couldn't resist! :crackup:

I finally got around to taking it apart today and testing the current. Put it on my pyroload and tested it at 453mA. Put it back together and it still works great. This is my only good 405 at the moment and whenever I take something that works apart I am always worried about the small chance I will screw it up.

This unit has a little over 3 hours use on it now. I have become a little more lax on counting running time but I am sure this is a conservative estimate.
H'ray! Finally we have an answer!!! :na: I'm gonna have me a ticker tape parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's still pretty good on the efficiency side. I'll look a little bit harder to place it but OTTOMH it sounds good.

