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Google Search Bar Location...

Where should the Google Searc Bar be located on every Forum page ?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sep 20, 2008
Since I've read and have seen the Google search bar removed
from the Top of every Forum page to the bottom I was wondering
about the Forum community's thoughts about the best place for it.

Here are my personal thoughts...

I think it should be at the Top so that all new members can find it
easily since they need to scroll past it to Post or read Threads/Posts.

If not at the top then at least a button or text at the same location
at the top to indicate where to find it.
The pages do visually load faster.

Vote as to where you think it should be....

(The Poll will close in 5 days)


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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I see you missed the other two threads, already created, that discuss this very issue...

EDIT: 3 other threads...Great job on the poll, btw! Let's hope the mods acquiesce.
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I see you missed the other two threads, already created, that discuss this very issue...
No.... I saw those threads that is why I opened this Poll....

If you want some action to be taken on the Forum the way
to do it is to open a POLL so that the Mods and Admin can
make an informed decision like we have always done in the
past on the Forum...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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I agree with laserbee, and most everybody else,
please return the search bar to the top!

Vote for the top!
I voted Top, I can't see why anyone would vote Bottom :p.
No.... I saw those threads that is why I opened this Poll....

If you want some action to be taken on the Forum the way
to do it is to open a POLL so that the Mods and Admin can
make an informed decision like we have always done in the
past on the Forum...


That post was made before you converted your OP to a poll.
I'm glad you made it one and glad to hear the mods respond to them.
That post was made before you converted your OP to a poll.
I'm glad you made it one and glad to hear the mods respond to them.

My opening post was a POLL from the get go.
A Thread and a POLL are not the same animal...

Not sure what you are tying to say...:thinking:
I had mentioned that I had read the other Threads/Posts...
Post the links here if you want...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Jerry, I couldn't tell you what was going on.

When I my first post went up, I saw no poll attached to the thread, nor was the thread title indicative of a poll thread. I'm not going to search my cache for proof of my claim. It's just what I saw.

Now, back to getting this search bar fixed.
I vote moving it to its own search page. I don't use it every single day. So why must it be seen (loaded) on so many pages?

For me and my iPad, it causes problems at the top. It typically loads last. Which means when the page loads and I begin reading and scrolling down the forum, just about the time I tap the screen to view a topic, the search bar finishes loading, and shifts the entire page downward (to make room for the newly rendered search bar). At the moment the page shifts downward, I wind up tapping the link above the one I want.

Alternately, we can use CSS to set the height of the search bar, so even when it loads last, the screen will not have to adjust for it.
I find the Google search is much more useful than the forum search. So voted on the top.
You know my opinion! :) I was actually thinking of starting a thread about this this afternoon, but I see I was beaten to it! :beer:
Top would be ideal, however some users do report that it loads slows and causes a bad experience while browsing so maybe an alternative should be utilized. Maybe there could be a button at the top that says something along the lines of, "click her to search" and when clicked brings the user to the bottom of the page where the search bar is currently located. (Maybe even with the cursor in the search bar). Or even just have a button at the top of the page that just redirects to a search page. I find using google search to be the best search engine for this site
