robjdixon said:
Right Then(take a deep breath people):
Firstly, AMK found a supplier that said he had 6x sleds, so we bought them, only to find that they were 4x sleds. So he talked to the supplier, and he said he had some 12x 450mW sleds. We have all but proven these to be readers, weaker than the PHR-803t diodes. Now he thinks he has found a supplier for actual 6x sleds, and we are paying, and ordering some in the hope that they are really supercalifragilistically great and powerful.
To cut a long story short, if you want a probable 6x sled, then pay at this link:
BUT there is no garuantee that these are 6x, even though the supplier think they are. It is a
This is partially true, however, i have "interrogated" Amk at just about every step of the way (he must slowly be getting sick of all my questions) after the initial screwup, but in this case, i think the chances are good, that we will get actual 6x. Or rather, either actual 6x's or nothing at all.
If there should be any doubts just before the order is placed, we simply won't go through with it. We will do everything possible, to make sure that we are getting the right thing.
But i have talked to numerous of these suppliers myself, and the story checks out.
Another thing worth mentioning is this. The original supplier DID NOT offer us 6x's! They offered us 4x's. Somewhere along the way someone (a customer of theirs) showed them a picture of a 6x sled (taken by GooeyGus, who else? :-?), and some excitement later, it was decided (stupidly), that it's the same thing (based on a photo?!? - i explained why it can't be the same diode if it's the same sled).
However, when that supplier contacted me, they offered me 4x's, not 6x's. Only after asking if they are the same, did they say yes. I later "investigated" why they claimed this, and they told me the customer/photo story....
But while the original GB said "6x GB", it also said "GBW-H10L", not "GBW-H20N". If it said the latter, i would have complained after getting 4x's. But it said 4x's, and that the supplier says it's the same.
So, so far, we have not yet been screwed on purpose, by just by stupidity. The 12x may have been another possible excitement/wishful thinking screw-up. But i am still waiting for the diode to arrive.
This time, the (new) supplier knows the difference between 4x's and 6x's, they already have 4x sleds, and could ship them now. But they do not yet have 6x sleds, they will have them in 10 days or so, which is when the order can be placed
Because of this i think chances are good, that it's the real thing this time. But like i said, i don't want my part of the order to go through, UNLESS we are
100% sure it's the real thing. And that will be prooven by the supplier taking a picture of the sled, next to a Chinese newspaper with that day's date on it, and a secret code-word written on a piece of paper, next to the sleds (the word given to them by Amk 1 minute prior to taking the photo).
So if we treat this as a kidnapping, all will be good.. :