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FrozenGate by Avery

GB: 2$ copper modules ALL SIZES CLOSED

^^ don't mention it.

We need good members here.

:D I can't say thanks enough to everyone :)
This is what I didn't tell anyone in the start
what happened the whole time was about a week after the GB order was placed PP shut my old account down, I was averaging about 100$ in and out of my account per month, then up to 1500$ for the GB.... I provided them the info but they permanently closed it :cryyy: so I lost most of my money I had sitting in there, so I made a new account and I was unable to link my bank or credit card to my new account because it's still stuck on my old one and I can't remove it for 180 days... So I've been getting along with just the Paypal balance, which I'm honestly scared of now of they somehow catch me again then I'm really screwed.... I kept this a secret because I didn't want anyone to get all nervous that the GB might be affected... When the 3.8 & 9 mm's had to be reordered DTR sent the money... So he saved all those :beer: and then thats why I was stressing so much for the FedEx package, because I wanted to print all the labels before I feared I got caught again... So I'll just warn anyone using Paypal for large transactions...

So what everyone's doing means so much :) I'm trying to expand what I have but it's tough, I'll eventually get to it but I'm happy this worked out pretty good :) it looks like according to tracking the majority of Canadian packages were delivered today :wave: :wave: international may start seeing them next week :D

Once again I thank everyone so much :wave: you're all very kind!

Oh & BTW i tested the density of them ;) C11000 density is .323 & i got .324 so it is indeed C11000, maybe just my scale is off :p
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Was you pp account business personal or premier? :thinking: hmm hope that doesn't happen to anyone else.
Just got my package... Thanks for the Super Fast shipping
and all your (that includes DTR) great work...;)

Pm me your PP address AnthoT as well please.

Hope to see my package soon!

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Got all mine yesterday, although only 2 were polished, no worries though =]

Even the ones that said polished were not that shinny.:(

This is a polished one.
Even the ones that said polished were not that shinny.:(

This is a polished one.

yea some are not the shiniest, they oxidize too quickly also, when customs opened mine it was clear it was touched...

Next time ill opt for gold plating instead of polished :beer:
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Who cares for the side. That goes into the sink. It is the front of the module we see.
The side got also marred when the set bolt are screw in. :)
Who cares for the side. That goes into the sink. It is the front of the module we see.
The side got also marred when the set bolt are screw in. :)

You actually see none of the module :p the focusing ring is there :beer:
Lemon juice and salt... Makes your copper look new. Just be sure to rinse good to neutralize the acids.

