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FrozenGate by Avery

Game: Guess the mystery object !


(anti personal explosive device, or whatever you call it in English)

:p :D

Edit: damn, too late (so i learn to refresh before post :p :D)

Too late :p

Here it is :)

Damn that could be anything. Hrmmmm

....infantry spartan helmet?
....modified cockring?
....the unholy grail?
...a safety switch/lock that requires some rotation to hinge/unhinge? (pressure release valve?)
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my next guess was the shield belt from Unreal Tournament... Damn well done Anselm.

I see too many weird things when guessing at stuff like this, I'm never going to get one of these but I'll keep trying :beer:
my next guess was the shield belt from Unreal Tournament... Damn well done Anselm.

I see too many weird things when guessing at stuff like this, I'm never going to get one of these but I'll keep trying :beer:
Hmm, OK gimme a few seconds to find something to edit in here...
Got an easy one:

If you need a hint, look at the URL
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Synchro For a manual transmission . Ford T-5 or a Tremec .
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^ is your avatar the result from all that lurking? If so, well played :beer:
LOL, your first post just to win at this game?:crackup:
Although I think it's from a VW, but not sure.
You guys cheated or do you rebuild transmissions for fun?:thinking:

OK go ahead then, BudK.:beer:
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