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FrozenGate by Avery

Game: Guess the mystery object !

Ding Ding Ding Ding ! Upside down Mocajete (Mortar ) Lets make some salsa .
Ped take the next one. I'm back and forth building another 445. My last answer came when I stopped after my test load unsoldered itself for the 2nd time:mad:. doing the Arctic silver now.
LOL no.
It's a tough one I guess.
It has something to do with light...
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light? wtf? I must say I thought it was something for a garden hose too. Then I got to thinking. It would need to have a female end unless there are hose gender benders.

How big is that thing?
it's small, maybe an inch.
I realize this one might have been too hard, so anyone feel free to post another one.
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I think another post would be premature until we know what this is... I also don't think we should give up this easily... Sometimes my wife tells me I think too much :thinking:
