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DTR's Laser Shop - Laser Diodes & More

Sorry for the double post but this is worth it.....M140 arrived today and puts out an amazing 2.16W with the stock 3 element glass lens. No gift in my package but hell, i could care less since this is an efficiency BEAST!!! Jordan, you picked a freakin winner buddy. Cant wait to test it with a G1 that I bought a few days ago :D :D :D :D


Apex, Awesome looking pen! I have only 2 lasers. A green pen and a violet pen both cheapo ebay buys. Hoping to complete a recent kit purchase soon to make my third a diy project.

DTR.. Just ordered the Diode with x-driver and host we been emailing about. Cant wait. Great price too!

Opened up the first batch of optics and have been experimenting with combining beams for my first project! Can't wait for the second shipment! Looking forward to getting a 520... can't wait until payday!

Sorry for the double post but this is worth it.....M140 arrived today and puts out an amazing 2.16W with the stock 3 element glass lens. No gift in my package but hell, i could care less since this is an efficiency BEAST!!! Jordan, you picked a freakin winner buddy. Cant wait to test it with a G1 that I bought a few days ago :D :D :D :D

Nice now that is one efficient diode. Enjoy.:beer:
Sweeet! DTR's stuff has only been better , We all appreciate the countless hours you have put to bring us these little gems! :beer:
Just got my G2 lens, fans, PT54 LEDs and projector optics from DTR. All arrived in good order. Excellent customer service! :beer:

G2 lens bumped my 1.4W handheld to 1.7W :D
I am happy with the green laser module I bought from you. :D

520nm wavelength from a laser diode and friendly seller: I APPROVE.
Hi Jordan,
:paypal: id 0D196106MT749543V
1 - Projector Optics kits International shipping $5,00
1 - 520nm Osram PL520 Diode $85,00
1 - 9mm 445 Diode W/Lens $85,00
1 - Mitsubishi 500mW Diode $55,00
1 - shipping to France $9,00
Hi Jordan,

I have just completed assembling my first two builds using your 9mm 445nm and the PLTB450. The host is the Ultrafire Z5 XM-L T6 with a copper sink for the 9mm and an aluminium sink for the PLT450.

Using your diode modules made the assembly so very simple. I only had a slight problem soldering +/- leads onto the contact board...the wires I used were of thicker gauge then yours. Both lasers work perfectly and the first thing that the 9mm burned was my right forefinger!

Thank you very much for the fast shipping and all the prompt replies to my numerous questions:thanks:

Best Regards

Fred CY
Jordan ---
I got my 120 mW red today... I thought I ordered it with driver
but I was wrong ... Glad I ordered an extra V5 !!!
It is real bright at 200 ma. Do these exhibit the "fold back" of other diodes?
Is 300 ma a good setting? At 200 mA, I read ~ 120 mW. That's spec.
At 250 mA, I see ~140 mW OK?
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What Lens ?????? The one you sent to me !!!!
No problem -- It looks great!
Thanks for the fast shipping --

Using your 3 element glass lens and my stingy Scientech Meter ----

200 mA --- 130 mW
240 mA --- 133 mW
280 mA --- 150 mW

It is BRIGHT ---- I think I have a spare
G2 around here !
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Yea I don't have your order on hand. Which one did you get that you are taking the readings with?
Jordan ---
I have about 5 LPM's all Scientech and all
calibrated -- RIGHT !! Just like all the other hobby
meters here.
I got the $47 module and WOW it is bright.
Don't give me crap about my OLD meters --- LOL :-)
They serve me well --

A serious point here -- Many of us have LPM's now.
Some are newer and some are old like mine but remember--
This Is A Hobby. We have no need for critical standards.
I use my meters for reference and calibrate them occasionally.
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