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DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

yes. although it's nto really a pcb. remove the plastic bottom and it's just a strip of foil that is very very difficult to remove.

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Oh, i didn't know that. Never removed it, cos it makes soldering safer and easier.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

well unfortunetly it made it so that the three bluray diodes that were shipped to me were ruined because they seated in at a 45 degree angle to how they were supposed to in the barrels. I really need to let you guys know that the press fit hole in the aixiz is not as tight as the barrels. Just the smallest bit off and you can very easily ruin a diode. I have to use an 1/2 ton arbor press to do it effectively. Now with as expensive as diodes are it's not that bad. but it potentially could be. So, just a heads up. be very cautious and go slow in press fitting in the barrels. NO PCB.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

well unfortunetly it made it so that the three bluray diodes that were shipped to me were ruined because they seated in at a 45 degree angle to how they were supposed to in the barrels. I really need to let you guys know that the press fit hole in the aixiz is not as tight as the barrels. Just the smallest bit off and you can very easily ruin a diode. I have to use an 1/2 ton arbor press to do it effectively. Now with as expensive as diodes are it's not that bad. but it potentially could be. So, just a heads up. be very cautious and go slow in press fitting in the barrels. NO PCB.
I have had this same issue when pressing a BR diode into a DX module, "tight-fit=no foil/pcb". I got real lucky and was able to finish seating the diode in place, and it still worked.
I now remove my original connections with constant light pressure- "up from the diode-side" with a hobby knife, and quickly running a soldering iron across the solder-pads.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

onea my open can reds have also gone poof with the pressing, as it turns out, the barrels are tighter than the aixiz.

the windowless IR's I get are wider than the normal diode, and just barely fit into an aixiz after LOTS of pressure. it widens the aixiz though, so only IR's can fit in that particular aixiz after that.

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

I paid for 2 BR diodes placed in module. It's been very long since I bought them. About 2 months. I trust that I will get them but i never got a email that said it was shipped out. Whats going on? :-/
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

hydrogenman15 said:
I paid for 2 BR diodes placed in module. It's been very long since I bought them. About 2 months. I trust that I will get them but i never got a email that said it was shipped out. Whats going on? :-/

that means yours haven't been shipped out. its as easy as that.

It takes DDL time to harvest/press/solder leads on all those didoes.

have patience,

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

hydrogenman15 said:
I paid for 2 BR diodes placed in module. It's been very long since I bought them. About 2 months. I trust that I will get them but i never got a email that said it was shipped out. Whats going on?  :-/

When you paid for the sleds you didn't buy them, you just joined the group buy.

It's been a long time, since we ordered them. Not just for you, but for all of us. But if you look on the previous page of this thread, you will notice, that Daedal said he finally got them and was preparing to ship them out to us.

The long wait is coming to an end. It takes time for everyone to place enough orders, so that the minimum amount is met, and this only happened recently, right before the price increase. Then it takes time for the stuff to be shipped from China, and then Daedal has to pack everything, which can take really long, depending on the options you ordered.

We will all get them very soon. Don't worry about it. The best thing to do would be to prepare everything else - laser diode drivers, reading up on how to prevent killing them.... If you have everything else ready, there is a much lower chance of killing all the diodes you get. ;)
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

I got an email the other day that I had a package on the way from Daedal. If it doesn't arrive today or tomorrow though, I'll be out of town till late Sunday night . . . ah well, waiting three more days won't hurt too much . . .
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

I paid for 1 BR diode only but I never got an email from DDL :'(.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

I got mine today, and I popped it into the host with the rckstr 38mA driver, and the jayrob heatsink. it is running on 3 10440's.

Its only putting out 3mW, and I cannot see the beam without fog. is this normal? it does flourece though, which is cool.

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Received my 3 BluRays today!!!!! :) Thanks DDL!

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

amkdeath said:
I got mine today, and I popped it into the host with the rckstr 38mA driver, and the jayrob heatsink. it is running on 3 10440's.

Its only putting out 3mW, and I cannot see the beam without fog. is this normal? it does flourece though, which is cool.

Did you only buy one?

Unfortunatelly, this is normal. In the first GB i got three, and one was like you described, but the other was super bright. That's why i ordered three this time - to increase my chances of getting a good one again.

I hope they are still putting the two different types of BRs in. Can't wait to hear more tests to get an idea of what i'm in for this time..
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

IgorT said:
[quote author=amkdeath link=1202605790/240#251 date=1208381440]I got mine today, and I popped it into the host with the rckstr 38mA driver, and the jayrob heatsink. it is running on 3 10440's.

Its only putting out 3mW, and I cannot see the beam without fog. is this normal? it does flourece though, which is cool.

Did you only buy one?

Unfortunatelly, this is normal. In the first GB i got three, and one was like you described, but the other was super bright. That's why i ordered three this time - to increase my chances of getting a good one again.

I hope they are still putting the two different types of BRs in. Can't wait to hear more tests to get an idea of what i'm in for this time..[/quote]

I bought 2
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Hey all...

I'm very sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but I honestly just got home (been out since 6:30AM EST) and have been spending every free minute I have to getting these packages out. I spent all Saturday and some of Sunday salvaging the ordered salvaged diodes... and then the result is a bunch of diodes in AixiZ modules (Which I am out of now! :'()... What was left is bagging, wrapping, packaging, numbering, and checking, and double checking, then closing, then labeling, then sending to post office!

On Sunday night I shipped out close to 50 packages packed with BR's and Phazors. I have a bunch left (Both BR and Phazors). For all those who did get an e-mail informing you of the shipment, you got lucky for 2 reasons...
1. You are domestic
2. You didn't have a 'special' order

By 'special' I mean it didn't require any out-of-the-ordinary requests, requirements, or special handling instructions. What is also categorized as 'special' are ones where people haven't replied back to e-mails about the price increase and ones that I have not received payments from. (This obviously excludes all Phazor orders, thank you very much :D).

The schedule for getting back on track is not clear as of yet... I have had a super hectic week at work where I've been forced to go early and come home late every day... and so no work on the rest of the packages has been done as of yet (except for some communications and verification of orders still here).

The International packages should be out very soon (there are only a few of these), and that will also include all the 'special' orders which will be cleared up either through refunds, further waiting, or the special instructions fulfilled...

If I have an order from you, and you have paid all your dues, you will get your items... guaranteed. I always try to get orders out within a week or 2 at the maximum. I managed to get out more than half within 2 days of getting the items in, but I still don't feel good enough about it :-[

Salvages honestly take a long time and a lot of patience. I do not rush the process at all. All diodes are checked prior to moving onto the next one. I go through the entire process one by one to make sure I give each and every diode the attention it requires to get it up and running 100%. All diodes are tested until lasing, once a full lasing pattern is displayed, the power is turned down. The test driver goes through 5 steps to limit current and voltage, maxing both out at 5V 40mA regardless of what could happen. Relatively, no discharge is possible because the driver is shorted out and not powered while the next diode is being salvaged. Most of the 'error' happens due to the AixiZ modules and the occasional "simply dead" diode. Please note that all my equipment is ESD safe. The several times that I was asked to revise previously killed diodes it was a result of a bad diode from the manufacturer or just a bad driver. Some might recall a user that killed more than 6 diodes a couple GB's ago because the driver was powered while the diodes were being attached... BIG mistake! (Worse was asking for a refund :-?)

With that said... thank you all for your patience. Please feel free to rant about anything you need over here and rest assured that I WILL read it ASAP. All orders are on their way to you, or are getting ready to be on their way to you... unless you didn't pay of course ;) >:(

