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DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Re: Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB...

Kenom said:
I myself was curious about this very same thing. Hopefully paid in short order.

ditto. I really cannot wait until these babies arrive!!! ;D ;D

Re: Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB...

Skram0 said:
Any update on the GB, Daedal?
All extra $ received?
Has the order been sent? (before they raise the price again..) :(

Thank you all for your concern :)

All have been paid with the exception of a couple that I have not heard back from... I had a few cancels... and the order was finalized and funds were sent out last week. These should be on their way by now, or within the next couple days.

This is getting pretty pressed though as the price has gone up again! >:(

We'll see what it'll be for the next GB :-/

Re: Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB...

So good news and bad news... Oh well.
I'm gonna concentrate on the good ones.

You should change your signature tho..
Re: Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB...

Interesting how the format war leans in Blu-ray's favor, but yet prices are rising. Go figure. :-? Supply and demand dilemma?
Re: Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB...

Skram0 said:
Interesting how the format war leans in Blu-ray's favor, but yet prices are rising. Go figure. :-? Supply and demand dilemma?

I agree strongly!

This is the stupidest thing ever.

Although, I think I can blame some of it on Sony's greed. They are capable of funding their immediate sales with major losses. When the PS3 came out, they were loosing hunderds per system, and the goal was to kick Xbox 360 out of loop. Afterwards notice that they dropped it even further! Had HD-DVD not fallen out of the ranks as quick as it did, Sony was going to drop the price of the PS3 even further. This is due to the fact that they finally got to a point with the cell processors that they are making profit and producing them at reasonable, reliable rates. For those of you that don't know, you should go read up on the cell processor, the funds that went into it, the massive power it is housing, and the troubles they faced (and the dirty, half-assed job they did to patch things up). But with some new thing that they did (can't remember now, but it might have been that they are using a smaller die) Sony's share was going to be much cheaper because the turnaround on the real cell processors got higher(Sony takes defective ones and puts them in the PS3... just so you know... simply because they don't need the 'fully operational cell', and that is why they have 'one processor turned off'.)

I am by no meas a Sony 'hater' if you will, or wish to see the PS3 go away... I love both of them. But I just think that Sony played a very dirty game in trying to overtake the High Definition Optical Disc market. Unlike Toshiba who was actively researching better, faster, more powerful diodes, Sony was paying Nichia to make it for them and got them locked into a loop selling reader diodes at $8 a pop just because they helped fund the project... (Same thing with the Cell processor as well).

Just my disgruntled 2 cents over the morning coffee ;) ;D

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

im glad i went in for a second. I feel smart now...

now, what to do with that second diode...
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Hey guys, just saw this and thought it was relevant.

So us laser scavengers are upping the cost of BR drives!

Seriously, though, I wonder how much if it is simply manufacturers raising prices to a profitable level now that the competition's off. The previous price of these pickups was simply too cheap, and for what you get they are still a darn good deal even at $30.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Hey daedal,
Soooo......... Whats up?
How are the blue rays doing?

Which do you think I will get first, the blue rays or the phazor? Maybe both together if im lucky..... Right?
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

aaronX987 said:
Hey daedal,
Soooo......... Whats up?
How are the blue rays doing?

Which do you think I will get first, the blue rays or the phazor? Maybe both together if im lucky..... Right?

Hey all... :D :D

I'm so sorry I've been away from the board... "What's up?" you say? Well... I got BOTH packages on Friday!! I've been working all night yesterday and all day today to get the orders fulfilled and out by tomorrow. :D It really looks like I might be able to meet that deadline that I'm shooting for :)

The units test great. The several that I have salvaged already are lasing at ~20-30mA and are nice and powerful. The Phazors are all packed and ready to go. I got a bunch ( I really mean it when I say a bunch) of the small boxes from DX and will be packing all the Phazors in there for everyone. :) Problem was, I didn't count that in the cost of the Phazors, so since they both arrived together, a few of you have orderes for both Phazors and BluRays... I will package both of these together and send them in one package. The differences should cover the cost of the boxes from DX :D

Also, I may have some good new source of 405nm diodes... This one might prove to be on the fall in price now since they are HD not BR ;) Stay tuned for updated pricing on these ones. :D

Really hoping to get all this done and so I may be a little later than usual to answer PM's (I know I have a pile here already that I haven't looked at), but once everything is out and shipped, all will be replied to and answered.

Thank you very much for all your support and patience. You all are an amazing group of people to say the least. :D

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Im up for a BR diode, with wires soldered, and installed in housing.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

I just left a heads up in my barrel thread that these work great in my barrels BUT, you must remove the foil. I've ruined a few because the foil makes them not line up right when it gives way. Just a FYI.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Kenom said:
I just left a heads up in my barrel thread that these work great in my barrels BUT, you must remove the foil. I've ruined a few because the foil makes them not line up right when it gives way. Just a FYI.
Foil? I don't recall foil being on the BR diodes?
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Skram0 said:
[quote author=Kenom link=1202605790/225#235 date=1208066954]I just left a heads up in my barrel thread that these work great in my barrels BUT, you must remove the foil. I've ruined a few because the foil makes them not line up right when it gives way. Just a FYI.
Foil? I don't recall foil being on the BR diodes?[/quote]


Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

talkin bout the metal that is attached to the pins on the back of the diode.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

You mean the PCB with the five connections to the legs of the diode?
