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Donation Thread - Now Opened Ended Without Deadline

vortish. Jeff, just wanted to say hello to you this morning and see how you are getting along today, as apposed to yesterday, and wish you as pain free a day as you can have. My thoughts will be with you, my friend. Paul

hey paul not so bad with pain today thought leg not wanting to cooperate much any way thanks

pman your package showed up this morning and I am very happy three new lasers to play with and all that stuff almost did not fit in my box lol any way thanks

Remember that the 650 and 405nm tops are focusable and will easily light mathes/burn stuff;)
Don't try and turn the tops on past where they stop. You can see how I made them in my tutorial or just unscrew them (watch out for the spring popping out).
FYI- any who care to can still help- we have Jeff's address if you want to send him a surprize package- PM-(Mac or me) for the PP we are using to help Jeff get well soon or his mailing address.

package coming soon with LUMIA Kit- adding a green labbie- and an enclosure.
maybe another has a red module- or can build one- room for a small blue inside too- my Avatar was made with same I am sending jeff except the R and BorV
these are the perfect projects to do with your kids- & I read that the first LUMIA was candle powered about 100 years ago.. iirc.


thanks hakzaw hat will keep the boredom away I appreciate every thing that every one has done for me and my family
Pmans box showed up Monday and i spent the better part of two hours getting it all to fit in my laser box that i keep all my stuff in minus the lasers they go in to tuperware container for now with some Styrofoam for padding.. Madmacmo's silver 520 showed up to day and that takes my cheap laser box to its full capacity so i figure out some where to put Hakzaws lumia kit plus green labby and sinners host when that shows any way thank you generous folks that gift of the post has helped raise my spirits and the money has helped us quite a bit. I want to publicly thank each and every one of you
so ty

I was wondering if anyone here may want to give me a hand with a project I'm giving Vortish. I've got all the makings for a nice M140 handheld (diode mounted in copper DTR module w/3 element lens, 501B host with extended aluminum heatsink, silicone wire, Cardas solder, flux, etc) minus driver. If anyone has a driver for this rig they would be willing to donate that would be awesome, if not I've got an older Mohgasm linear driver kit with the resistors to set somewhere around 1.8a. I simply don't have the time or a good iron tip at the moment to put it together and then test on a dummy load. If someone here would be willing to solder the driver together and test it then put it in an envelope and mail it to Vortish that would be awesome. I will even include a prepaid envelope with Vortish's address on it to make it extra easy. So, if anyone either has a driver ready to go or wants to solder and test the Mohgasm, please PM me and let's see what we can do.

The 501b host will accept a single 18650 or two 16340's for 3.7-7.4 volts so a wide variety of drivers will work. The space behind the heatsink is also pretty large. I'm not sure of the ID but I suspect any of the smaller round drivers could be made to fit.

I was wondering if anyone here may want to give me a hand with a project I'm giving Vortish. I've got all the makings for a nice M140 handheld (diode mounted in copper DTR module w/3 element lens, 501B host with extended aluminum heatsink, silicone wire, Cardas solder, flux, etc) minus driver. If anyone has a driver for this rig they would be willing to donate that would be awesome, if not I've got an older Mohgasm linear driver kit with the resistors to set somewhere around 1.8a. I simply don't have the time or a good iron tip at the moment to put it together and then test on a dummy load. If someone here would be willing to solder the driver together and test it then put it in an envelope and mail it to Vortish that would be awesome. I will even include a prepaid envelope with Vortish's address on it to make it extra easy. So, if anyone either has a driver ready to go or wants to solder and test the Mohgasm, please PM me and let's see what we can do.

The 501b host will accept a single 18650 or two 16340's for 3.7-7.4 volts so a wide variety of drivers will work. The space behind the heatsink is also pretty large. I'm not sure of the ID but I suspect any of the smaller round drivers could be made to fit.


Very nice of you Doc (+5 when i can)

If there is a driver listed at AixiZ.com I either have one here (someplace) or i can pick up a free one next visit to AixiZ-

Jeff made me LOL about storing all his laser stuff in a box or two- I had to give up an entire bedroom to store ALL the stuff related to lasers in my house
My kitchen table is now my soldering station- BUT as i live alone I have an advantage over Jeff-
MY front porch in 'enclosed' and out there I have my shop= drill press- etc

My living room is now my laser theater- as well as where i work on stuff-
I got a 7X7 movie screen which is now attached to the ceiling- so anytime I want it I can pull it down- its great to be able to see low powers better that even a white wall.. actually too bright for high powers.

and between my bedroom and the back one, i can close all the doors and have a very very foggy space the size of a hallway about 12 feet X 5 feet-

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Ty hak i appreciate it. Im going to do a update here instead of the in the hospital thread..


Went to the doctors today for a cold and put me on some more antibiotics nothing new there! Then he took a look at the leg that been bugging me here since the thing happened. He did a Cortisone shot in my knee to help with some of the pain and it has a little bit. He upped my pain meds, and my RLS meds and has me scheduled to go have a emg and a muscle something or other that to is addition to the sleep study and the neurologist in august.. and need to go back in two weeks.. So im kind of depressed dr and more dr visits oh well at least im still here god bless you all for being so kind to me and my family
Ty hak i appreciate it. Im going to do a update here instead of the in the hospital thread..


Went to the doctors today for a cold and put me on some more antibiotics nothing new there! Then he took a look at the leg that been bugging me here since the thing happened. He did a Cortisone shot in my knee to help with some of the pain and it has a little bit. He upped my pain meds, and my RLS meds and has me scheduled to go have a emg and a muscle something or other that to is addition to the sleep study and the neurologist in august.. and need to go back in two weeks.. So im kind of depressed dr and more dr visits oh well at least im still here god bless you all for being so kind to me and my family

LPF is all one big family vortish, we are all here for each other :)

LPF is all one big family vortish, we are all here for each other :)


I know alex but its still appreciated. the donations have helped pay some bills and has paid for some gas to go to doctors appointments and other things august is going to be a expensive month with three trips to specialist that are 80 miles from the house we will figure it out we always do
well the laser part donations have helped me from climbing the walls at home and stay sane thanks to the guys that donated those things... will post pics of any thing i build so0n
G'day Jeff, just thought I would drop in and see how you were doing and to remind you to get well soon and stop playing with all them toys. C'mon folks stop sending him stuff or he will stay home forever! Ba ha hahahaaa. Seriously I do hope things start improving for you soon.
Bus no one has shipped me any thing more than just the pot.. ha ha I do have six doc appoints coming up in the next month and a half some or most have to deal with what put me in the hospital and one is a sleep test any way thanks for checking in
