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Do you carry your laser as self defense at night?

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Yes! But only to defend myself against electrical tape and matches lol!
On the serious side of the topic, any self defense technique in general REQUIRES confidence! Confidence comes from practice, so whatever weapon you chose for your self defense I reccommend practicing drawing and firing/using your weapon of choice.

I travel a considerable amount and sometimes located in some pretty dangerous areas. I own and carry several licensed firearms I train in real world scenarios and tactics I also practice drawing and firing my weapon in situations that would be encountered in real world self defense situations.

I consider my firearm as a solution to a life or death encounter with an armed assailant ONLY IF there is no other way for me to escape unharmed!
The best thing to do is just give them what they want and end the situation before it escalates. If your involved in a altercation that results in a fatality you will spend a considerable amount of time in court and depending on your state still possibly liable in a civil suit!

If you live in a questionable niehborhood I suggest taking a self defense class, if you do carry a weapon self defense training may prevent an attacker from taking it and using it against you!

I have ended many bad situations with a few simple martial art techniques!

So to sum it all up PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! untill it becomes an instinct whatever your technique, consider the penalties that could be imposed on you and never carry a weopon you have not been trained to use properly and effectively!

Thanks for reading and remember any weapon you carry could be used against you by your attacker!

I have a broken HeNe in a metal housing, watch out! I'll sneak up on you and smack ya' on the head with it!
I don't carry a laser as defense.

I carry 60% OC pepper spray (for bears-strong enough to ruin paint on a car) and keep my dog with me.

He's titled in Schutzhund and licensed through the state of Florida as a personal protection dog. In other words, he can LEGALLY bite someone.



and here we are talking about lasers for warding off muggers...

that last picture made me shut my legs a little tighter

peace & thanks
that last picture made me shut my legs a little tighter
peace & thanks

Heheh ..... for me, the last picture made me glad to have built a pocket-size 50KV taser, and to carry an old nautical dual shot flare launcher in the coat pocket ..... :eg:

Those teeths are impressive, but only if the dog can use them on me ..... and this can be a little bit difficult, with a magnesium flare burning in the mouth :p (must also be considered that not just honest peoples have dogs trained for attack ..... also delinquents can easily have them :p :D)
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...but only if the dog can use them on me ..... and this can be a little bit difficult, with a magnesium flare burning in the mouth...
dogs can be more easily ward off by means ultrasound :)
dogs can be more easily ward off by means ultrasound :)

I know, i made my first ultrasonic gun when i was at school in 1977 ..... but ultrasound have a "little, insignificant problem" to keep in consideration ..... we can't hear them good, but this don't mean that they are innocuous for humans ..... dogs are more sensitive to them, but also humans are sensitive to them (acoustic pressure don't disappear, just cause you can't hear them), and a decent level of them can easily stun, or also cause permanent damages and kill, a human .....

Let me make a parallel with lasers ..... 1W 960nm of laser is absolutely invisible, but this don't mean that it cannot blind you permanently in less than 1/10 of second ..... 1KW of ultrasound at 40KHz cannot be heard as a noise, but this don't mean that it cannot pop your eardrums ..... ;)
I know, i made my first ultrasonic gun when i was at school in 1977 ..... but ultrasound have a "little, insignificant problem" to keep in consideration ..... we can't hear them good, but this don't mean that they are innocuous for humans ..... dogs are more sensitive to them, but also humans are sensitive to them (acoustic pressure don't disappear, just cause you can't hear them), and a decent level of them can easily stun, or also cause permanent damages and kill, a human .....

Let me make a parallel with lasers ..... 1W 960nm of laser is absolutely invisible, but this don't mean that it cannot blind you permanently in less than 1/10 of second ..... 1KW of ultrasound at 40KHz cannot be heard as a noise, but this don't mean that it cannot pop your eardrums ..... ;)

yes it is true, however to turn away a dog, you don't need an high-intensity ultrasound and the operation only takes a few seconds... unless a guy does not turn away the dogs daily :)
Heheh ..... for me, the last picture made me glad to have built a pocket-size 50KV taser, and to carry an old nautical dual shot flare launcher in the coat pocket ..... :eg:

Those teeths are impressive, but only if the dog can use them on me ..... and this can be a little bit difficult, with a magnesium flare burning in the mouth :p (must also be considered that not just honest peoples have dogs trained for attack ..... also delinquents can easily have them :p :D)

He's trained to go against a weapon wielding opponent. ;) The program takes that probability into account. K9's get killed, shot and maimed in the line of duty all of the time, but a good one will be able to dodge nearly everything that you throw at it. EVERY time he bites or muzzle fights someone in training, the decoy has a weapon.

The difference between this guy and a delinquent's aggressive cur is analogous to the difference between an MMA fighter and a barroom brawler; the brawler will throw wild, likely very powerful, punches without a method to his madness (the so called 'Universal Fight Plan'), while the MMA fighter bides his time and will pick the brawler apart piece by piece.

I am a US Army MP, but that is my personal dog. I've used what I learned in the military combined with what I've learned studying 'dogsport' to train him.

The craziest thing about this guy is that I also take him to hospitals as a therapy dog. A protection dog that so unstable that you can't safely take it everywhere that you go is rather worthless as a protector, eh? ;)

Final thought: I can guarantee that any US citizen on this forum has met dogs trained like mine. They're more common that you'd expect. The entire point to this is that you're not supposed to know that they're trained.
He's trained to go against a weapon wielding opponent. ;) The program takes that probability into account. K9's get killed, shot and maimed in the line of duty all of the time ......

Basically, i dislike training animals for attack peoples.

I feel this unnatural for different reasons, and not all the reasons are for the advantage of the animals (btw, no, i'm not an "animalist") ..... first, it's a non natural conduct, for a gregary animal like a dog ..... second, is a high risk for the dog itself, that the dog don't understand (do you really think that if a dog know the effect of a bullet, it voluntarily assault a person with a gun in hand ? :p) ..... third, you can never know when a dog can go crazy (same as humans), so you can never know when one of these dogs turn against you for no reasons (and yes, they never talk about this, but occasionally also this happens)

..... Final thought: I can guarantee that any US citizen on this forum has met dogs trained like mine. They're more common that you'd expect. The entire point to this is that you're not supposed to know that they're trained.

Well, being sincere, if i find myself in a situation where a dog is assaulting me, i don't stop for ask the owner if the dog that is running against me, all teeth and barks, is trained or not ..... first i shoot the dog or cut his throat (it can also bite my arm, but i have two of them, and both hands can reach at least a blade :p), then i search the owner, and if i find that the dog was trained, i also shoot the owner in a foot, cause the assault was clearly his fault :p .....

BTW, don't think that i'm a violent person ..... i'm the more quiet and peaceful person that you can find around (and also, i like animals, especially cats) ..... only, i don't trust in the "give the other cheek" doctrine, so if you attack me, just expect a reaction ..... and this is valid both for humans and animals :D
I just keep earplugs where I live(Berkeley), those hippies opinions are the only dangerous thing around here!

But seriously, I don't usually carry protection with me, I am always either in my house, or near a large crowd of people at all times. If i'm not, then I'm biking from one place to the other. Last I checked, it would be very hard to mug someone while they're biking.
Basically, i dislike training animals for attack peoples.

I feel this unnatural for different reasons, and not all the reasons are for the advantage of the animals (btw, no, i'm not an "animalist") ..... first, it's a non natural conduct, for a gregary animal like a dog ..... second, is a high risk for the dog itself, that the dog don't understand (do you really think that if a dog know the effect of a bullet, it voluntarily assault a person with a gun in hand ? :p) ..... third, you can never know when a dog can go crazy (same as humans), so you can never know when one of these dogs turn against you for no reasons (and yes, they never talk about this, but occasionally also this happens)

Well, being sincere, if i find myself in a situation where a dog is assaulting me, i don't stop for ask the owner if the dog that is running against me, all teeth and barks, is trained or not ..... first i shoot the dog or cut his throat (it can also bite my arm, but i have two of them, and both hands can reach at least a blade :p), then i search the owner, and if i find that the dog was trained, i also shoot the owner in a foot, cause the assault was clearly his fault :p .....

BTW, don't think that i'm a violent person ..... i'm the more quiet and peaceful person that you can find around (and also, i like animals, especially cats) ..... only, i don't trust in the "give the other cheek" doctrine, so if you attack me, just expect a reaction ..... and this is valid both for humans and animals :D

I'm willing to agree to disagree, but I can assure you that you are COMPLETELY missing the point here.

You're from Europe, Italy if I remember correct. You've met dogs like mine. Quite a few probably. In Europe (thanks to the outstanding leadership of the FCI), every working dog, ie German shepherd, Malinois, Rottweiler, Doberman, Dutch shepherd, ect, has one form or another of temperament testing that involves the same kind of training that my dog has.

I would suggest you do some research on ringsport and schutzhund before you judge it. A working dog that is true to it's roots and can do the job it was bred to do, in other words, a dog with high levels of prey and protection drive NEEDS an outlet for it's drives.

In Germany, where schutzhund has been practiced religiously for over a century by German shepherd breeders, the dogs are stable, approachable and trustworthy because of the schutzhund temperament test. In America, where most of the GSD breeders do NOT do schutzhund, we have aggressive, weak nerved, flightly, aggressive, fear biters for German shepherds.

I'm simply continuing a very old German tradition to get the best dogs.

Trying to explain it to someone who clearly doesn't understand it and has several non-educated biases against it is akin to one of us trying to explain lasers to someone who is convinced they work like an incandescent bulb and can bring down airplanes.

Please, try to educate yourself on this, as I can guarantee you've met dogs like mine.
I'm willing to agree to disagree, but I can assure you that you are COMPLETELY missing the point here.

You're from Europe, Italy if I remember correct. You've met dogs like mine. Quite a few probably. In Europe (thanks to the outstanding leadership of the FCI), every working dog, ie German shepherd, Malinois, Rottweiler, Doberman, Dutch shepherd, ect, has one form or another of temperament testing that involves the same kind of training that my dog has.

I would suggest you do some research on ringsport and schutzhund before you judge it. A working dog that is true to it's roots and can do the job it was bred to do, in other words, a dog with high levels of prey and protection drive NEEDS an outlet for it's drives.

In Germany, where schutzhund has been practiced religiously for over a century by German shepherd breeders, the dogs are stable, approachable and trustworthy because of the schutzhund temperament test. In America, where most of the GSD breeders do NOT do schutzhund, we have aggressive, weak nerved, flightly, aggressive, fear biters for German shepherds.

I'm simply continuing a very old German tradition to get the best dogs.

Trying to explain it to someone who clearly doesn't understand it and has several non-educated biases against it is akin to one of us trying to explain lasers to someone who is convinced they work like an incandescent bulb and can bring down airplanes.

Please, try to educate yourself on this, as I can guarantee you've met dogs like mine.

LOL, i'm sad you took my words as an offense, cause the intention was not that one ..... and, no, i know what i'm speaking about, cause not just i meet sometimes peoples with well trained dogs, one of them is also a friend, and an instructor for blind-peoples helping dogs (how you call them ? ..... here is guide-dogs).

That what YOU have not get from my post, is that i'm not speaking about WELL trained and stable dogs from a selected specie, especially growth and trained for stability and affordability, but about "so-called guard dogs" ..... but is possible that i said it in the wrong way, so let me re-state it.

I'm NOT saying that ALL in this practice is bad, as probably you interpreted my post ..... i'm saying only that, also if i understand that in particular situations (police, salvage/rescue, etc), have a dog well trained for these works is really helpful, i simply don't like trainings that involves, how can i say ?, making the dogs do unnatural things and take unnecessary risks, without care about the dog itself, AND without care about the risk that, for cause of this forced training, the dog go crazy and start to attack peoples without reasons ..... sorry if i'm not clear, but English is not my main language .....

Anyway, i can ensure you also that, opposite of that what you say,
every working dog, ie German shepherd, Malinois, Rottweiler, Doberman, Dutch shepherd, ect, has one form or another of temperament testing that involves the same kind of training that my dog has.
here in Italy not all the peoples that own those dogs have done any examinations about caracterial stability of their animalsn or have done any exams on themselves (more important thing, imho), for certify that they can "drive and command" their own dogs (don't know how to say it better, sorry), and that this caused a lot of "accidents" where the dogs assaulted and mutilated (and in some cases killed kids) innocent peoples, and sometimes also parents of the owner .....

And, worse thing, in most of these cases, the owner get charged and condemned, then the tribunal give back the animal to him ..... where instead is clear that an animal that had no training at all (or worse, bad training), and assaulted a person, must be suppressed (and i'm sad saying this, but there are things that, also if sad, must be done)

Probably the rest of the Europe have better laws about these things, and yes, i also know about German passion for this thing ..... but in Italy, as usual, this part of the laws is just crap as all the other ones :p

So, i can agree with you that YOUR dog can be a well trained dog (after all, is YOUR dog, and who can know this better than you ?), and do its work good ..... but not ALL dogs that you see around trained as "guard-dogs", especially here in Italy, are good ones, you can trust me for this ..... and no, in case you was wondering, i don't like to shoot to dogs, as probably you've understood ..... i was just saying that ANY dog, trained or not, that assault me without reason, can expect in change a shoot or two, and in case of one of these "trained" dogs do that, also the owner can expect the same, after.
LOL, i'm sad you took my words as an offense, cause the intention was not that one ..... and, no, i know what i'm speaking about, cause not just i meet sometimes peoples with well trained dogs, one of them is also a friend, and an instructor for blind-peoples helping dogs (how you call them ? ..... here is guide-dogs).

That what YOU have not get from my post, is that i'm not speaking about WELL trained and stable dogs from a selected specie, especially growth and trained for stability and affordability, but about "so-called guard dogs" ..... but is possible that i said it in the wrong way, so let me re-state it.

I'm NOT saying that ALL in this practice is bad, as probably you interpreted my post ..... i'm saying only that, also if i understand that in particular situations (police, salvage/rescue, etc), have a dog well trained for these works is really helpful, i simply don't like trainings that involves, how can i say ?, making the dogs do unnatural things and take unnecessary risks, without care about the dog itself, AND without care about the risk that, for cause of this forced training, the dog go crazy and start to attack peoples without reasons ..... sorry if i'm not clear, but English is not my main language .....

Anyway, i can ensure you also that, opposite of that what you say,

here in Italy not all the peoples that own those dogs have done any examinations about caracterial stability of their animalsn or have done any exams on themselves (more important thing, imho), for certify that they can "drive and command" their own dogs (don't know how to say it better, sorry), and that this caused a lot of "accidents" where the dogs assaulted and mutilated (and in some cases killed kids) innocent peoples, and sometimes also parents of the owner .....

And, worse thing, in most of these cases, the owner get charged and condemned, then the tribunal give back the animal to him ..... where instead is clear that an animal that had no training at all (or worse, bad training), and assaulted a person, must be suppressed (and i'm sad saying this, but there are things that, also if sad, must be done)

Probably the rest of the Europe have better laws about these things, and yes, i also know about German passion for this thing ..... but in Italy, as usual, this part of the laws is just crap as all the other ones :p

So, i can agree with you that YOUR dog can be a well trained dog (after all, is YOUR dog, and who can know this better than you ?), and do its work good ..... but not ALL dogs that you see around trained as "guard-dogs", especially here in Italy, are good ones, you can trust me for this ..... and no, in case you was wondering, i don't like to shoot to dogs, as probably you've understood ..... i was just saying that ANY dog, trained or not, that assault me without reason, can expect in change a shoot or two, and in case of one of these "trained" dogs do that, also the owner can expect the same, after.

I get what you're sayin'. Between the language barrier and the internet barrier, I misunderstood what you where getting at.

It seems as though you and I are on close to the same page, I can't stand those wild dogs either. I bring my dog with me for protection from the thugs the live in the same city as me (and just because I enjoy his company, he's a great companion dog), and the pepper spray to protect my dog from those dogs that you described.

Cheers! :beer:
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