If anyone has multiple excel files concerning the same diode, I'll take them and combine them into one for this thread. PM me for email.
We ought to add the two different LG 8X diodes to the list.
We'll be obtaining lots of data on these real soon thanks to IgorT!
Oh man, i'm so sorry, but i have still been unable to type in all the Vf data for the diodes, i have three booklets full of numbers i have to type into Excel! :undecided:
But other than the missing Vf data, i already have full P/I data for 79 good old GGW diodes (up to 200mA), around 11 "new" GGW diodes (up to 200mA), and 9 SF-AWs (again up to 200mA - soon more diodes).
Also, full PIV data for 14 8x diodes and 2 12x diodes for now.
Then there is a bunch of GBW data i never managed to type in, while i only have partial data for PHRs (except a few), which is not useful for this thread (but i have to test some more soon, so i could do full plots if needed, as a single plot doesn't really show what to expect).
Oh, then there is one full "BDR-S03" PIV plot, and three more diodes to test. Perhaps some LOCs and LCCs too, to show how they vary in efficiency just like 405nm diodes do....
You can have my Excel files, but you might get lost in them.
The main rows are self explanatory, but i also apply numerous calculations and so on, and try to extract data in different ways, so the files end up a little messy. :yabbem:
If you write to me at the new email i set up for laser related stuff specifically (in the forum link), i can send you the files i have (and explain the strange parts in them

I believe the LPC-815 is 150mw CW, and 300mw Pulsed.. I think I read that from one of IgorTs posts one time...
The Mitsubishi open can is 150mW CW / 400mW Pulsed, but the datasheet you have attached should say so anyway....
EDIT: Otherwise, a question... Where did the SF-AW rating of 120mW CW come from? We know for sure that good old GGWs are 100 or perhaps 105mW CW, and that they are tougher than SF-AWs. Either SF-AWs have the same 100mW CW rating made by another manufacturer, but less prone to overdriving, or even a slightly lower rating, like 90mW CW. I'm ordering some more of them to torture soon.