Care to explain why? I think you misunderstand what I said. I was offering an alternative option so that the OP could in theory
avoid buying that Spectra Physics doubling monstrosity because it is not necessary if all you want is to double the frequency of a TEM00 laser beam. Amazingly enough, none of my frequency-doubled DPSS heads contain a Spectra-Physics frequency-doubling laboratory device that I know of.
.. and yet, somehow the doubling still happens.. and all it takes is the right crystal.
end quote.
Phase matching and tuning angle is easy at doubling, only three waves have to propagate in phase in the crystal. However at CW THG, it is a few orders of magnitude tighter because five or more waves have to propagate in the crystal and yet remain aligned in the crystal structure at the atomic level. You also need single longitudinal and transverse mode for CW THG, hence the expensive Sp and Coherent stabilized delta cavities, with four mirrors folding the unused pump energy back into the beam waist in the crystal.
This is why Innova Fred and Lexel SHG uses intracavity light, its already phase coherent and a about two orders of magnitude higher density then the exit beam of a normal laser.
You can do it with home made gear, you just need to know how to stabilize things thermally and control the length of the delta cavity for THG.
You can bet the 244 nm CNI has some stabilization far in advance of the simple CNI SHG greens.
High peak power pulsed laser THG is a different story. That is easy compared to CW. With 10s of kilowatts of peak power per pulse, it just needs to pass through a doubler and a doubler for THG.