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  • I just wanted to let you know that I recieved my LPM today, and thank you again for working with me on the customizing. I hope to test it out later. Many thanks!
    Hey Bluefan,

    I am interested in purchasing one of your basic LPMs and would like to inquire about pricing if they are still available for purchase. I am looking for a basic LPM measuring up to rouhgly 1.5-2W please get back to me on pricing and availability.
    thanks for the help with this LPM! You built it custom for me and thats great! +rep great vendor.
    Not neccessarly stubborn as you can see yourself in my last post, just if i have to do with stubborn people too. Wrong maybe yes, but so far noone of them could explain my observation once i made. Where a defective IR diode had no IR output at all but still emmited some sort of visible light. Maybe you can explain as you are the one who showed me that i´m wrong and gave me a logical explanation for this i also can accept. Not like the others.

    Ik ben opzoek naar iemand in Nederland met een LaserBee om m'n lasers eens te laten meten.
    Heb jij er een toevallig of weet je waar ik het kan doen.

    Gr. Dutch
    Thank you very much:). I really appreciate your +rep. I'll return you the same when I can +rep again. I"m learning to be real careful about what and how I say something. Best regards.
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