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Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

I just figure it would be nice to own ONE fully FDA compliant laser. It would be professional. I think with Laserbtb keyswitches you can remove the key, but I think on the CNI ones they stays in the switch during operation. I oculd be wrong though.

Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

For the key switch, I don't do the unlock part with the key, always "on" there. I just unplug the back and that turns off the indicator light (and I close the shutter just in case). I actually ran a 16340 to 1.15V with that light on a laserbtb 532nm, so no more of that...

Anyway, OP updated.

Insurance will be added. Will we have the same issue with customs asking a ridiculous amount of money if it's going to the states? Or was that just because DJNY was overseas? Definitely don't want to have to add another $200 per laser...

Wannaburn, what output do you want on the 671nm?

Out for the night, will update OP and answer any questions in the morning.

Please keep all questions in the thread, I'm sure you're not the only one, and PMing me just keeps that information from others. There is no stupid questions when it comes to spending >$200/300/400!
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Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Could you please switch me from the 500mw 532 to the 800mw, it is certainly worth the difference. Thanks again
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

I messaged our 3 532nm 500mW maybes a few days ago to no reply...not sure if they're still in.

Please let me know if you're still a maybe, or all in, want to try to get my numbers straight here.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

You won't get those insane taxes in the US bloom, that's just Europe's thing ;)
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Hey Bloom, I am probably not going to be able to do the 671. Found out I am going to have to buy 3 new tires. But, as I said before, this will not affect my ability to buy the 800mW 532nm PGL-III-C because I have that money set aside now.

And it is good to hear there won't be any insane taxes!
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Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

I messaged our 3 532nm 500mW maybes a few days ago to no reply...not sure if they're still in.

Please let me know if you're still a maybe, or all in, want to try to get my numbers straight here.

Did you send me a PM...because I didn't get one.:thinking:
I'm still a maybe.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

I sent a mass message to all the maybes. Might not have gone through, given the fact that I've gotten 0 replies.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Yeah... I would check again...
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Everyone re notified, and OP updated with results.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

On the PGL-III-C-532-500mW PDF from CNI it says---

" LED indicator, remote connector and key switch are available?

Personally I'm not interested in the remote connector or key-switch. Can we opt out of these?

Agreed, I'd consider a 500 or 800 mw version if we could opt out of them, other wise I'm not so sure :/
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

We'd have to get a different model to get something without those options. There would also be no 10+ discount on those models if we did that. I can ask though.
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Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

We'd have to get a different model to get something without those options. There would also be no 10+ discount on those models if we did that. I can ask though.

Well if its the case of the no 10+ pricing then nvm, I'll still think about the standard key/remote though.
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Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Ugh!!!! June 14th is SO FAR AWAY!!!! I am DYING!!!! AGHGHGHGHKSdfjvoaszubr vkjavn ........grgglrlge.

.......Seriously though. So far away.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Get yourself distracted, How do you think I feel waiting for my 561nm from the other GB?
And some other projects...
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

PGL-III-C-532 500mW
I'm in for one of these
