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FrozenGate by Avery


Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

What is it you don't like about the III-C hosts? I personally hate the look of the III-M hosts myself...haven't seen the III-A hosts though.

Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Yeah, I'm only interested if we can get the 10+ discount :\
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

yeah I'm in that boat... With 9 people I think CNI would do it. Lemme make my sig more interesting for the 671nm
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

We ONLY have 2 weeks left, probably won;t happen ;)
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

But more passive motivation is a good step either way right?
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

I guess I'm really just not a wavelength guy, or at least the only ones I appreciate are 405, UV, and infrared for their wavelength properties. What in the world does a 671nm offer that a 650 or 638 doesn't?
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

CNI's divergence, or lack thereof is my reason for wanting this one. Dunno if you ordered from CNI, but my 589nm barely diverges at all.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Na this is my first CNI. I hear they are really good quality and I'm pretty excited about getting one for such a good price. Hopefully they come in before the 4th.
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Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

I'm pretty sure it will only take one 16340, but a shorter battery life doesn't bother me one bit. (knock on wood)
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Aside from that, it's a wavelength I don't own. So I pretty much have to get it. It's a deeper red. Read through Aryntha's review for a good breakdown, and some pictures, it's posted SEVERAL times throughout this thread.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

What is your 685nm like? I bet it is so dark! Sorry for off topic :p

I need a farking time machine STAT!
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

Again, a deep red. When I see it unfocused, I immediately think "dry". Something about it just says dry red, though that makes no sense. It's a pure red, it makes 650 look like a red violet crayon in a way.
Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

My camera makes 650 look like a red violet crayon, too! It is what irritates me about taking pictures of it.

Re: Confirmed CNI GB [End 14 June 2013]

It's hard for me to describe red from each other. I've seen so many wavelengths past 600 that it's hard to differentiate really, half of my spectrum is >600nm! They are look very similar. Greens and yellows are very different with 10nm, but red, that's a whole other animal.
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