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CLOSED (Collecting Payments): Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Any word on a discount? don't forget my offer

Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

He has indicated but not confirmed that we could get the silver member discount, but he can't do a bulk price unless we order 100 or more.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Could you update my order to 2x fan, 2x matrix
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

UPDATE: The silver membership discount has just been confirmed. I will update the OP immediately.

Also, they are now offering both transmission and reflective gratings. If you all could please specify which ones you would like, that would be great. I will send a PM to those who don't see this within the next few days.

Thanks again.
Last edited:
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

do the reflective ones do the same thing but just in reflection rather than passing through? both types could be cool.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Yes, the beam passes through the transmission grating while the reflective grating is like a mirror.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Reflective for me, definitely. This is an awesome price for a mirror grating. :beer:
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Just to clarify my order then I would like both transmission and reflective for each type, so it will be 4 different types of gratings; transmission fan, reflective fan, transmission matrix, reflective matrix
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Please put me down for two: 1 Transmission Matrix, 1 Reflective Fan. Thank you!
Also, if anyone cares to expand on transmission vs reflective (your preferences, uses opinions, etc), I'd appreciate the insight. I just understand the general concept.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Updated orders. I will start confirming orders and taking payments within a few days - hopefully they will reach me before Xmas so I can send them out.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Noah have to back out of this one. Just came across something I couldn't pass up. Hope it's not any trouble. Thank my friend :beer:
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

I'm going to increase my order, I would like the original order plus one reflective fan grating added to my order please.

Thanks for doing this, I can send funds at any time ;)
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

I'll try the reflective flavor for my two fans.

Let me know how much and I'll send you the $ ASAP.

Thanks! :beer:
