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CLOSED (Collecting Payments): Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Updated. Will let you all know when I start accepting payments. Thank you all.

Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

UPDATE: The silver membership discount has just been confirmed. I will update the OP immediately.

Also, they are now offering both transmission and reflective gratings. If you all could please specify which ones you would like, that would be great. I will send a PM to those who don't see this within the next few days.

Thanks again.

That was what I was asking about in the first PM.

Change mine to 1 each transmissive and 1 each reflective. 4 total instead of 2.


BTW, this is the first Group Buy I've been excited about in a while. Thanks for doing this!!!!!
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Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Updating your order now :beer:
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

If it's not too late put me down for 2x fan and 2x matrix one each transmission and reflective.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Putting you down now. I will close this as soon as Adam receives my package, which should be between now and Friday at the latest.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Unfortunately, Dragon Lasers has not yet received my laser. Since this was the last day that they could send it to have it reach me before December 23 (when I am going out of town), I will have to order the gratings over Xmas and ship them out sometime in January.

As soon as DL receives my laser (most likely tomorrow), I will send out a PM about payments.

Thank you all.
Re: GB: Dragon Lasers Diffraction Gratings

Bummer about the delay but honestly I'm good with it since my bank account is dangerously low until next week. Thanks for keeping us updated!
DL received my laser yesterday, so I have officially closed this group buy and will be collecting payments. I will send out PMs to everyone tonight, just to let them know.

Please see the OP for details.

I get paid tomorrow so you'll have payment either tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. Depends on how work and the last of my Christmas shopping goes.
