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FrozenGate by Avery

CHEAP Xray heads (US only)

Jan 13, 2010
Hey guys. Just passing along a listing I found.

DISCLAIMER! X-Rays are EXTREMELY dangerous and ionizing radiation is accumulative. Operation of xray devices in your home is probably illegal in some manner. I won't be held responsible if you get hurt, killed, arrested, or your house burns down.

I would assume anyone who buys one of these knows the huge risks and already has knowledge of the device and will take the proper safety precautions.

Each unit is 125$ shipped to me. So I would assume pricing is similar elsewhere on the east coast.

Sirona Heliodent Siemens Dental x Ray Tube 20 Available | eBay

Edit: even if you guys don't use the actual stay tube. There's a nice HV transformer in there.
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Doubt the transformer would be in the head, they weigh a crapload and are usually submerged in oil.
These are dental heads. The transformer and filament and tube are all in there. I've taken em apart before. You also need that oil if you just want to play with the HV so your secondary doesn't arc over to the primary.

The transformers are useful for experimenting with diy vacuum tubes and just general fun! My avatar is a pic of my transformer jumping a 6" air gap. I pulled it out of an xray head similar to this one.
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Doubt the transformer would be in the head, they weigh a crapload and are usually submerged in oil.

They're sort of a scaled up version of an AC flyback yes? Probably doesn't have to be so large to be unable to fit in the head.

No sense in sending 60kV down a long wire through the dental arm to the head.

These like really neat though, thanks for showing us the find!
Just wondering, do x-ray generators do shoot coherent beams?

If they do... x-ray lasers! :crackup:

I'd grab them if shipping didn't cost $100 to Korea. (Probably very illegal too.)

Thanks for the find!
That would be something, a X-ray laser. The regular safety goggles doesn't work. You need a lead goggle of half inch thick or lead glass of several inches. :)
I really want one of these... but I could not justify it to myself to buy something that will probably give me cancer while being awesome at the same time. I mean, hell. Talk about taking awesome photographs. Just get some x-ray active film and take photos of your computer or something. That would be a sight.
I posted this not exactly because of xrays but because the transformer that is inside is REALLY fun to play with :)
I, too, wasn't initially sure if there was an integrated transformer, but the input leads are not big enough or spaced well enough for 60kV.

They're sort of a scaled up version of an AC flyback yes?

The newer ones tend to have a flyback with a voltage multiplier. The older ones were a simple iron-core transformer - few turns on the primary; many, many turns on the secondary.

I'd venture a guess (from the number of input leads) that this is a flyback-type. Not as fun or robust, and more difficult to turn on.
I'd get one for the transformer and resell the tube (X-rays is a line I don't want to cross) but for 115 shipping it's not gonna happen :(
