Welcome to the forum!
I sincerely wish you the very best of luck with your web-site, I agree that there is more room for
genuinely new products, I am interested to see your offerings.
As far as "teaming" up with existing "forum member-merchants", I prefer the "standard model" of business, more like I can sell you my products in quantities for a reduced-price, in turn you may resell them for a profit, no obligations, and vice-versa. If we both perform our role effectively, we will both do well, otherwise, well, natural selection my friend. I do not sell anything that any other forum-members sell, or anyone for that matter, in this way I can happily do whatever I can to promote other websites/sellers without worrying about competing, creating friends, not competitors. Even though I make heatsinks, I can openly state that Jayrob makes the very best MXDL-heat-sinks available, there is no competition here.
The group-buys are a lot of work, for no profit, (I actually loose-money by the end), but they are a great service to our community, an excellent way to build that reputation.
And of course, I too must mention, you want to make sure that all of your products are legal where you do business/sell to, the FDA is nothing to mess with, I never sell laser-units.
Hope to see you store soon,