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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery


He's been inhabiting laser forums for years, and he's 1. Scary, 2. Acts Very Stupid, 3. Obsessed with Lasers.
Go search on the "other forum" for some of his posts.

You can't fix the low end of the bell curve, but you can educate most people who do want to listen.
What is tricky is preventing the low end stunts on video from leading to more disaster. I actually turned a engineering student into his college department for one set of video stunts.. Handling caps charged to 3KV by the soldered on bare wires, stating latex gloves were fine as HV gloves. Why did I bother? He slapped the University and National Science Foundation logos onto all of his videos in the corner... Making it appear he was producing "official" science videos about SSY ones. He's lucky he did not end up with nerve damage or burns in his hand from the capacitor array, which was a bunch of over driven electrolytics not rated for flash use.. He flashed the SSY1 without safety glasses with it inches from his eyes..

He got a disciplinary hearing, a severe talking to, a two day suspension, and had to do on campus public service. I can't "fix" him or his immaturity, but I could help prevent his school from possibly being sued and looking VERY bad.

The email started " Dear Dean XXXX, is this one of yours? If so, you should watch this video. Perhaps a lesson in Professional Engineering Ethics is called for?"

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He's been inhabiting laser forums for years, and he's 1. Scary, 2. Acts Very Stupid, 3. Obsessed with Lasers.
Go search on the "other forum" for some of his posts.

You can't fix the low end of the bell curve, but you can educate most people who do want to listen.
What is tricky is preventing the low end stunts on video from leading to more disaster. I actually turned a engineering student into his college department for one set of video stunts.. Handling caps charged to 3KV by the soldered on bare wires, stating latex gloves were fine as HV gloves. Why did I bother? He slapped the University and National Science Foundation logos onto all of his videos in the corner... Making it appear he was producing "official" science videos about SSY ones. He's lucky he did not end up with nerve damage or burns in his hand from the capacitor array, which was a bunch of over driven electrolytics not rated for flash use.. He flashed the SSY1 without safety glasses with it inches from his eyes..

He got a disciplinary hearing, a severe talking to, a two day suspension, and had to do on campus public service. I can't "fix" him or his immaturity, but I could help prevent his school from possibly being sued and looking VERY bad.

The email started " Dear Dean XXXX, is this one of yours? If so, you should watch this video. Perhaps a lesson in Professional Engineering Ethics is called for?"


Good Job.
It's not mean or unjustified to take actions that can save someone from ignorance.
It is something that we can and should do.
Being proactive can help preserve our hobby and spare some innocent newcomer from being influenced by dangerous information that could cost them a lifetime of suffering.

We all had to learn at some point and I can tell you that I have been so very glad that I had my safety glasses on twice that I can remember in the past.

All it takes is a moment to bump a mirror or let something slip, it can happen to the best of us and knowing what's at stake is important information that's always worth sharing.
i have savety glasses, i use them for messing with my projectors because the mirrors can turn accedently etc. it was standing pretty good there and i hold it firmly. I do know the power of this laser. Doesnt take away that people should realise this as well, and i might not have set a great example here. i will add a note to the video.
thanks for the feedback.

EDIT: Done.

EDIT: also realise the burning point was very close to the aparture and that looking at the "dot" on the ceiling was not that focussed or really super bright because of this. So even if i would drop it and that it would then get in my eye, damage would have been contained. (also because it will only be a fraction of a second during the fall). Never the less: i should have put on glasses when making videos.
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i have savety glasses, i use them for messing with my projectors because the mirrors can turn accedently etc. it was standing pretty good there and i hold it firmly. I do know the power of this laser. Doesnt take away that people should realise this as well, and i might not have set a great example here. i will add a note to the video.
thanks for the feedback.

EDIT: Done.

EDIT: also realise the burning point was very close to the aparture and that looking at the "dot" on the ceiling was not that focussed or really super bright because of this. So even if i would drop it and that it would then get in my eye, damage would have been contained. (also because it will only be a fraction of a second during the fall). Never the less: i should have put on glasses when making videos.

Mate, I'm happy to hear your have taken this seriously and added a note to this video but brother, if you think your eyes would be able to handle the fraction of time if it fell you are 100% WRONG. At that power level even your blink reflexes, which would be faster that a falling laser wouldn't help you. You would without question have done very irreversible or repairable damage to your eye or worst case EYES. 6 watts of coherent light would probably render the eye legally blind faster than you know. Please take this even more serious as you are. That video was very difficult to watch. Nobody is over exaggerating when we say that. We're looking out for you. Eye sight is a very precious sense and the most important. You really need to take a moment and also read because you have shown you have zero understanding of the power your new toy has nor what it can and will do in the event of an accident. Please read some of the threads in the safety forum about memebers here that have taken a laser to the eye and all of them are much less powerful that yours. I'm not even sure eagle pair glasses would even be enough to let you walk away un harmed with a 6 W laser direct hit. Please think about this and for Gods sake do NOT post anymore videos like that one. You should remove it all together IMO.
also realise the burning point was very close to the aparture and that looking at the "dot" on the ceiling was not that focussed or really super bright because of this. So even if i would drop it and that it would then get in my eye, damage would have been contained.

If this is your idea of a joke?
You do know that there is a lens built into the front of your eye don't you?

You said contained, contained to what, your would be blind useless eye?

The big problem is not if you want to ignore the facts and disable yourself, the problem is some new to the hobby person could believe your little joke.

I am giving you credit for making a joke in very poor taste and not being that ignorant.

We are not talking about you being across the street from the laser, we are talking arms length, even unfocused just do the math, even if what hit your pupil was 1/100th of the beam that is still 50-60mw of 450nm and your eyes tiny light sensing nerves do not bleach out to protect themselves from 450nm light....not that it would matter, you would burn a line across your retina, then secondary chemical damage, inflammation damage, blood introduced into the viscous humor, retinal detachment.

Again I ask you contained to what, your would be blind eye?

If it was me I would say OOPS I got this one wrong and take down the video before people flag it down.

I don't say this to be rude to you but to protect some innocent newcomer from being lulled into a false/dangerous/incorrect sense of security when working with a 6 watt laser.

Please put your pride aside and do what's right.
Even if you doubt what everyone else is saying, is it not better to error on the side of caution?
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Mate, I'm happy to hear your have taken this seriously and added a note to this video but brother, if you think your eyes would be able to handle the fraction of time if it fell you are 100% WRONG. At that power level even your blink reflexes, which would be faster that a falling laser wouldn't help you. You would without question have done very irreversible or repairable damage to your eye or worst case EYES. 6 watts of coherent light would probably render the eye legally blind faster than you know. Please take this even more serious as you are. That video was very difficult to watch. Nobody is over exaggerating when we say that. We're looking out for you. Eye sight is a very precious sense and the most important. You really need to take a moment and also read because you have shown you have zero understanding of the power your new toy has nor what it can and will do in the event of an accident. Please read some of the threads in the safety forum about memebers here that have taken a laser to the eye and all of them are much less powerful that yours. I'm not even sure eagle pair glasses would even be enough to let you walk away un harmed with a 6 W laser direct hit. Please think about this and for Gods sake do NOT post anymore videos like that one. You should remove it all together IMO.

The beam/dot is then very large and obviously i would get permanent damage with that. But it would be somewhat contained. Less then focussed on getting a maximum length beam/small for distance and night gazing. This is what i meant. Im saying this in my defense but obviously it doesnt talk good that when shooting vids for the public i should use glasses.
Anyhow im gonna remake the video soon then :)
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You don't just use glasses for the video, you use them whenever you're using the laser inside of your house. I even use glasses for my 40mW 532 when burning (or at least trying to). It's plain stupid not to use them for a laser that powerful.
The beam/dot is then very large and obviously i would get permanent damage with that. But it would be somewhat contained. Less then focussed on getting a maximum length beam/small for distance and night gazing. This is what i meant. Im saying this in my defense but obviously it doesnt talk good that when shooting vids for the public i should use glasses.
Anyhow im gonna remake the video soon then :)

It doesn't matter how big the dot was on ceiling five feet above your head. That beam was a mere foot away from your face as you stared intently trying to position whatever inane thing you were trying to burn.

You're absolutely ridiculous. It's not "contained" even "somewhat" if you get hit by a beam like that even for a moment -- unless you think that losing just one eye worth of eyesight is "contained" if you're lucky. The beam only glanced Xoul's eye and caused a burn at the back of his eye. Lucky for him it was "contained" away from his fovea, unlike others.

Stupidity such as that demonstrated in the video is going to be the death of this hobby.
That laser is a fire hazard. I got burned once by a laser that is only 1.5W when it slipped out of my hand, I don't even want to think about what it would be like to take a hit to the eye. I frequently view my lasers without glasses because I like to see the beam, but I always have both hands on the laser, or it is in a tripod, and there is no chance of any reflections to come back at me, but never burning or looking at the dot up close or using an LPM without glasses. I am also a bit paranoid about having direct contact with the beam of any laser, my 82mW 520nm I can pass my hand through it but anything more powerful I avoid like the plague. Once you get up to the 3W or greater range I wouldn't trust any but the most expensive safety glasses to protect me from a direct hit. The Eagle Pair that are so popular claim to be good when viewing the dot of up to a 10W laser, but they don't claim to protect you from a direct hit at that power. Even when using safety glasses caution is required to avoid any accident.

everyone assesses his own risc and takes it with powerful devices that can bring harm to you. I decided this was worth it at that time. Again: it was a bad idea to do this publicly to prevent others to repeat me without having the knowledge.
im gonna make the new video replacement now.
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So i was reading this thread for a while and....

I think everyone is trying to tell you aswell, is that it's not a good idea to have a laser sit in that position so close to your face...

It can fall with the slightest bumb to the desk or to the laser itself, and i'm afraid the safety glasses will not help in that case with so much power.

When you let go of the handheld on the desk, and seeing that handheld wobble all over it, i quited the video....

My suggestion to you, is to buy a nice tripod, to clamp the laser.. :beer:
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Quote: " it was a bad idea to do this publicly"

You still don't get it. Setting a bad example on youtube isn't the primary issue IMHO. Up close burning without goggles is a great way to become a statistic. And statistics are what will be used to legislatively kill this hobby. What hurts one of us hurts all of us. Whether you're making a video or whether you're alone in the privacy of your own home just seeing what your laser can do, wear yer frikkin' goggles!
Quote: " it was a bad idea to do this publicly"

You still don't get it. Setting a bad example on youtube isn't the primary issue IMHO. Up close burning without goggles is a great way to become a statistic. And statistics are what will be used to legislatively kill this hobby. What hurts one of us hurts all of us. Whether you're making a video or whether you're alone in the privacy of your own home just seeing what your laser can do, wear yer frikkin' goggles!

True but at least it wasn't as bad as pewdiepies arctic video. Who boy was that insane.
True but at least it wasn't as bad as pewdiepies arctic video. Who boy was that insane.

Is that the one where the youtuber gave the arctic to his son without glasses? Or was that the one where he was burning a solo cup on his table with his kid in the background again with no glasses?
