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Ban rangedunits?

Should rangedunites be banned?

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Apparently, i have no lasers...

The comment you've made doesn't sound right.

Sorry all.


So that's your explanation...excuse and detailed apology...:thinking:
I was waiting for you to step up to the plate and me a man...:cryyy:

Too bad... wasn't sure if you deserved a Positive or Neg rep...:undecided:
Thanks for making up my mind....:spank:

No... I don't think you should be banned... you should stay active
on the Forum an endure the wrath of the LPF family that you so
rightfully earned...
You do know that anything you post will be scrutinized....:cool:

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Realization of others' perception of your mistake is good, because you understand how others see it, whether or not it was intended that way.

Your sincere apology is good, as now others recognize and accept your regret.

Since you apparently really want to be here, and you do have friends here, the best thing is to carefully think before you hit the submit button.

Above all, never lie. You'll be alright.

LPF can be a fun place, and certainly a sharing place. It's only a facet of your free time. I do hope your "real" life is good. Remember, the man in the mirror is your best friend.
See, I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore, but let me just say that I think it's total bullshit that people like tyler and wes REPEATEDLY got the benefit of the doubt here, but now everyone's riding rangedunits like a dog. Franky, I think everyone's just bored or something. Someone needs to lock this thread up.

I don't agree with what ranged said and the clip that he posted, but this is just silly. now we're getting posts that really should be aimed at someone like wes and tyler, but no one said things like "No you shouldn't be banned, you should stick around so we can all be pissed at you all the time. It's what you deserve" or "I hope you get cancer".. CANCER?? ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?? seriously, it was tasteless and off-color, but wishing death on someone? right.. . Where was this hatred when tyler was up for a ban, or wes.. I don't recall hearing that kind of harshness then.. I would take 100 rangedunits rather than one lying, stealing piece-of-garbage tyler.

It's oddly disproportionate, that's all I'm saying.
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See, I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore, but let me just say that I think it's total bullshit that people like tyler and wes REPEATEDLY got the benefit of the doubt here, but now everyone's riding rangedunits like a dog. Franky, I think everyone's just bored or something. Someone needs to lock this thread up.

I don't agree with what ranged said and the clip that he posted, but this is just silly. now we're getting posts that really should be aimed at someone like wes and tyler, but no one said things like "No you shouldn't be banned, you should stick around so we can all be pissed at you all the time. It's what you deserve" or "I hope you get cancer".. CANCER?? ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?? seriously, it was tasteless and off-color, but wishing death on someone? right.. . Where was this hatred when tyler was up for a ban, or wes.. I don't recall hearing that kind of harshness then.. I would take 100 rangedunits rather than one lying, stealing piece-of-garbage tyler.

It's oddly disproportionate, that's all I'm saying.

Well said!

This is exactly the point I am supporting.

I really think that some people are exaggerating.
See, I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore, but let me just say that I think it's total bullshit that people like tyler and wes REPEATEDLY got the benefit of the doubt here, but now everyone's riding rangedunits like a dog. Franky, I think everyone's just bored or something. Someone needs to lock this thread up.

I don't agree with what ranged said and the clip that he posted, but this is just silly. now we're getting posts that really should be aimed at someone like wes and tyler, but no one said things like "No you shouldn't be banned, you should stick around so we can all be pissed at you all the time. It's what you deserve" or "I hope you get cancer".. CANCER?? ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?? seriously, it was tasteless and off-color, but wishing death on someone? right.. . Where was this hatred when tyler was up for a ban, or wes.. I don't recall hearing that kind of harshness then.. I would take 100 rangedunits rather than one lying, stealing piece-of-garbage tyler.

It's oddly disproportionate, that's all I'm saying.

Dont forget this one :


its not the first time, or the last.
Silvercookie you are very close to getting a neg rep from me. You should start following roosl's "carefully think before you hit the submit button." too.
Ranged having made some bad taste jokes does in no way allow you to wish death upon him.. and you even stoop to the level of trying to insult him about being gay! What the hell is wrong with you?
See, I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore, but let me just say that I think it's total bullshit that people like tyler and wes REPEATEDLY got the benefit of the doubt here, but now everyone's riding rangedunits like a dog. Franky, I think everyone's just bored or something. Someone needs to lock this thread up.

I don't agree with what ranged said and the clip that he posted, but this is just silly. now we're getting posts that really should be aimed at someone like wes and tyler, but no one said things like "No you shouldn't be banned, you should stick around so we can all be pissed at you all the time. It's what you deserve" or "I hope you get cancer".. CANCER?? ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?? seriously, it was tasteless and off-color, but wishing death on someone? right.. . Where was this hatred when tyler was up for a ban, or wes.. I don't recall hearing that kind of harshness then.. I would take 100 rangedunits rather than one lying, stealing piece-of-garbage tyler.

It's oddly disproportionate, that's all I'm saying.

The thing that pi$$es me off with this issue is that for a guy that
has been here this long and knows the Forum mentality... that
he would be stupid and uncaring enough to post the "Haiti" post..

Then... try to pull the wool over our eyes by blaming someone else...
as if he had nothing to do with it...
And when he was called out about it... he didn't have the ba!!s to
admit it and apologize...

That's what pi$$es ME off....
Then again some people wouldn't care either way....

And yeah... I was up the A$$ of Tyler and Wes before they were
banned.... A lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes that you may
not have first hand knowledge about....:cool:

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hmm.. both side have good points here. Ranged has his issues, sure, but he is who he is. I don't see him as a serious threat to the forum based on his behavior since he joined and I've seen him contribute in the past, so I think at worst he should be temp banned over his recent behavior. I don't think he's a bad guy at heart. Also, I'm fairly sure he's french canadian, so there's also a language barrier thing there that makes him harder to understand. I definitely think he's been here long enough to deserve a warning shot before an all out ban.

The language barrier thing did cross my mind, he also said that he stopped getting high . :can:
A major apologee (and edits) from Ranged would be good enough in my book.
But how long do people have to beg him for that " major apology" and edits?

If he wanted to do it , he would have done it a long time ago.
BTW here it's 9:21 pm (I live in the same town as Rangedunits). He had a though day. I think we should give him a break till tomorrow.

There's a saying in french that says "la nuit porte conseille" or, in english, "night brings you good advices" (my best traduction).

Let's hope he'll act better (and more mature) tomorrow.
BTW here it's 9:21 pm (I live in the same town as Rangedunits). He had a though day. I think we should give him a break till tomorrow.

There's a saying in french that says "la nuit porte conseille" or, in english, "night brings you good advices" (my best traduction).

Let's hope he'll act better (and more mature) tomorrow.

Yeah... maybe you're right... [sarcastic]Poor Baby... he had a tough day...[/sarcastic]
He probably needs his beauty sleep... and to come up with more moronic things to post...
He had all day yesterday and today to make this go away...
Guess he needs a 3rd or 4th day.... He!!.. let's give him a month...:whistle:

I really don't care any more... the masses have spoken... and I know he will post some
other insensitive and stupid "joke" not far in the future...:cool:

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Oh Jerry, come on, it's Rangedunits, I guess after all the time you spent on this forum you should know him well enough to understand it's probably all we're gonna get from him. Stop being so mad, I think you too you need some sleep :D.

I agree that what he did was lame, but bitching (sorry for the expression) about it won't chage anything. He did bad things, he apologized, now get over with it.

I'll send him a PM about editing his posts and more serious apology if you want.
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