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Ban rangedunits?

Should rangedunites be banned?

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You never know if he has a disability or has just been seriously messed up by drugs. He might be mentally 8 years old.


Ban him. He never makes any sense, he's always high, and he is totally insensitive. I have literally never seen him contribute anything worth seeing.

Ban him for 2 weeks at least. I would not be opposed to a permaban either.

Mistakes , everyone makes them and learn from them.

I usually leave thing as-is.
btw: i stopped being high.

drop me a pm, im open to suggestion.
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I say give him a chance ..

no matter how "de-rangedunits" he can be. .

other than those harmful, insensitive things he said, he does contribute to his own post count by saying other nonsensical, idiotic things:

almost every for sale thread has him saying , I wish i could buy that but im broke.
nom nom shrooms, nom nom crystals.

I guess every board needs at least one deranged unit.
I say give him a chance ..

no matter how "de-rangedunits" he can be. .

other than those harmful, insensitive things he said, he does contribute to his own post count by saying other nonsensical, idiotic things:

almost every for sale thread has him saying , I wish i could buy that but im broke.
nom nom shrooms, nom nom crystals.

I guess every board needs at least one deranged unit.
:), i was trying to bring some humor at that ''Shroom and crystal'' thread. No i don't do neither of them.
hmm.. both side have good points here. Ranged has his issues, sure, but he is who he is. I don't see him as a serious threat to the forum based on his behavior since he joined and I've seen him contribute in the past, so I think at worst he should be temp banned over his recent behavior. I don't think he's a bad guy at heart. Also, I'm fairly sure he's french canadian, so there's also a language barrier thing there that makes him harder to understand. I definitely think he's been here long enough to deserve a warning shot before an all out ban.
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Mistakes , everyone makes them and learn from them.

I usually leave thing as-is.
btw: i stopped being high.

drop me a pm, im open to suggestion.

mistakes are made once or twice.

not the same thing over and over again.

im not saying im an angel on here, but atleast my posts make sense and are understandable.
Some people are just screwed down tighter than others :thinking: MFO, I have to agree 100% with both post #5 & #23 & #29 & #31. and I might add while I haven't read rangedunits coments that is all they are coments not actions and I thought we had freedom of speach in this country. I'll go for banning some one who hurts or endangers this forum or steals from people here, but not for ideas in some ones head. Slap the $hit out of him the first time if it will make you feel better MFO a ban I think not, why don't you gang up and neg rep the crap out of him isn't that what you do when you don't agree with someone else's ideas !


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Some people are just screwed down tighter than others :thinking: MFO, I have to agree 100% with both post #5 & #23. and I might add while I haven't read rangedunits coments that is all they are coments not actions and I thought we had freedom of speach in this country. I'll go for banning some one who hurts or endangers this forum or steals from people here, but not for ideas in some ones head. Slap the $hit out of him the first time if it will make you feel better MFO a ban I think not, why don't you gang up and neg rep the crap out of him isn't that what you do when you don't agree with someone else's ideas !


I'll go for banning some one who hurts or endangers this forum

And not even then it's done.

@mfo: diachi created an account and spreaded the veterans section password over the public part of the forum. After TJ found in another forum/web (can't remember) that the guy was from scotland and seeing the only veteran from scotlan was him, he said sorry and nothing else happened.

It seems that the "deserves a ban" line is way higher than I would put it, and ranged units is not even close to that line by now...

@jerry: yes, and I don't agree with him, but again, much worse things I've seen here...
Maybe he is bi-polar?... allot of that going around here.

More time is needed... he is defiantly engaging in rashness of late, let's see how he acts after this thread goes a little longer.
I don't hink he should be banned, yet. I aswell belive that he might have problems with drugs and it would explain why he act the way he does. I know he likes the forums and I don't think he mean to offend. But when trippin' ballz and browsing 4chan and return here, such posts are bound to happen. Let this be a warning, one more mistake and you're banned, meanwhile you should go to rehab or something. :twak:
You let diachi go after spreading the password because "he's an old member and we should also keep in mind all the other good posts in his post count" but you want to ban rangedunits because he post senseless stuff? Come on...

Honestly I think comparing Diachi to rangedunits is a little bit off. In terms of expertise and contribution they are quite different. Diachi is a laser professional who's vast knowledge and expertise exceed that of most members here, losing him would be a great loss to the collection of laser knowledge here. Rangedunits, like myself, and most of the forum is just a basic hobbyist and would not really affect the forum much if lost.

Having said that, I don't think we should ban rangedunits. His rep will take a big hit, his respect will go down and he will probably get the message that the forum will not accept crap like that anymore. I think what was happening is that he was being more or less allowed to get away with most of the other rudeness, so it only got worse. This was just a climax of that. I am sure that for most people, having a ban poll about them would be a serious wake up call and I think it will set him straight.
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Honestly I think comparing Diachi to rangedunits is a little bit off. In terms of expertise and contribution they are quite different. Diachi is a laser professional who's vast knowledge and expertise exceed that of most members here, losing him would be a great loss to the collection of laser knowledge here. Rangedunits, like myself, and most of the forum is just a basic hobbyist and would not really affect the forum much if lost.

I have to disagree--- no loss to the forum if Simon was gone-DUH!! Im still a noob but LPF needs 2007Rev.IMO
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