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Ban Dinas?? (for real this time)

Ban Dinas? >:(

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters
A mod should change the wrong informations in the Sticky, then it should be fine and Ave doesn´t have to break the contract (cash) with Pickegg.

Just PM c0ld. No need to make a whole thread and poll about this.
Just PM c0ld. No need to make a whole thread and poll about this.

This is a open forum, many people are donating, so we all should know whats going on and discuss things. I would only PM Ave according a personal problem, but Dinas was a problem for the whole forum.
Dinas is gone now, hooray!
Can we please give it a rest now and never talk about him again?
That would be nice.

Also, I don't see much of a problem with his stickied thread.
Anyone who reads beyond the OP, immediately discovers that it is bullshit....
No rule without exceptions.

The other (more complicated) option would have been to open a thread that people should PM Ave for banning Dinas.
No, the other option would to PM c0ld if you have a problem with Dinas and explain why. It's not about having the most people who want someone banned, it's about having the best reason to have someone banned. If there is a proper reason to ban someone, which in this case there is, then why not just ban him instead of littering the public forum with polls and posts asking people if he should be banned?

c0ld asked for no more ban polls, and for us to PM/email him instead. To ignore it seems outright disrespectful.

Dinas was allowed to stay here even after several people had complained to admin/mods about activities that were clearly wrong. Admin/mods took no action at that time, but action needed to be taken. He was even allowed to create a sticky that is just LOADED with unsafe information, and it's in the General section where any n00b that comes along can read it. I'm sorry, but if there was ever a time for a poll, this was/is it. I'm about to start a poll about moving that sticky to the "companies" section if it doesn't magically find it's own way there soon.
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Dinas was allowed to stay here even after several people had complained to admin/mods about activities that were clearly wrong. Admin/mods took no action at that time, but action needed to be taken. He was even allowed to create a sticky that is just LOADED with unsafe information, and it's in the General section where any n00b that comes along can read it. I'm sorry, but if there was ever a time for a poll, this was/is it. I'm about to start a poll about moving that sticky to the "companies" section if it doesn't magically find it's own way there soon.

Then the mods aren't doing their jobs. It's a bit harsh but it's true. If peer pressure is the only way to get things done, then clearly something is very wrong. What has changed since "several people complained"? Nothing. So why should the mods ban him now, when they didn't ban him then?

Mods should follow up on reports like that and think a little for themselves, not just listen to what the masses want and wait till the last possible moment before taking action.
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There are only a few mods that are allowed to just ban someone without any other consent. Im not even sure if c0ld can do it without checking with others.

c0ld is not a mod, is the admin and owner of the board, so yes, he can do anything, cause he have direct access both to admin level than to the hosting server level.

Mods, anyway, in the standard VB script, as far as i remember cannot ban directly or permanently peoples (but i'm not 100% sure about this, with the new versions of the script ..... with the old ones, it was not possible)
Mods can ban, but not unban. C0ld can ban an IP at the firewall, and unban a member if needed.
So c0ld can prevent them from accessing the site, but cannot give them the banned status, and he can unban people with the status, but only the mods can put a ban status on an account? I would assume that blocking the IP would cause someone to ban the account, but it makes sense that he would be able to give them the status. Confusing....

c0ld can do anything. He owns the site. Of course he can ban accounts.
C0ld can do anything. The mods can ban, but not unban, and dont have access to the firewall. As far as I know anyway.

There are two ways to be banned. 1. Account ban. The member is banned for accessing his account, but can browse the forum. 2. IP ban. Member cant access his account, or the website.
