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Polls to Ban Members Now Discontinued

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LPF Founder / Admin
Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Mar 17, 2006
hi all

i have decided that do to drama associated with polls to ban members, we should prob stop making these going forward

from now one if u think someone should be banned, email or PM evidence to a moderator

if u need more "support" to get the ban, ask other members via PM if they agree, get them to email me too w/ evidence

Re: polls to ban members discontinued

I can hear the signal to noise ratio getting better already ;)

It's more work for you and Simon, but it will be much "quieter" in here

Thanks for all your hard work for us, c0ld

Re: polls to ban members discontinued

I can hear the signal to noise ratio getting better already ;)

It's more work for you and Simon, but it will be much "quieter" in here

Thanks for all your hard work for us, c0ld


You just love that SNR analogy, don't you :p?
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

You just love that SNR analogy, don't you :p?

Well, Yeah! After all, I am one of the "noisiest" members here. :evil:

You're just jealous 'cause I'm a better spammer than you :na:

Re: polls to ban members discontinued

Perfect to me. I was already getting tired of them...
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

Well, Yeah! After all, I am one of the "noisiest" members here. :evil:

You're just jealous 'cause I'm a better spammer than you :na:


Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Re: polls to ban members discontinued

WOW -- I haven't heard SNR ratio in years !!!

Ave, This is a great decision for the forum. Thanks

Re: polls to ban members discontinued

i agree. like i said in the "ban mrgoog." let the rep system do its job
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

i agree. like i said in the "ban mrgoog." let the rep system do its job

Even if a member has bad rep it doesnt do anything for noobs who dont even know what the rep system is... What if one of the newer members got bad info from him and lost an eye? I disagree with the "let the rep system do its job" method. It does help but i dont think it is a solution. The rep system lends itself to emotions and personal differences. The ban threads let everyone air their opinion and a moderator can see the discussion and make an informed desicion other than just ppl being pissed off and sending pms asking to ban a person. PMing doesnt let the other persons story be told and it doesnt give them a chance to defend themselves. On the other hand I know the ban threads can tend to get outta hand but I feel it is a nessesary "evil".

Back to mrgoogfan. His lack of safety and lieing was my concern. But from now on I will just pm you c0ld and we will go from there. The only reason I started the ban thread in the first place is because i thought it was how things worked. I didnt want to start drama but apparently it comes with that type of thread.
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

Has anyone ever noticed that just before the Ban Hammer drops...
99% of the candidates had acquired a Neg Rep count in the hundreds..

I think if a member accumulates hundreds of Neg Reps he should be looked
at by the Mods or c0ld as a Ban Applicant..
The Neg Reps a member receives are from Forum Members... and indicates
the consensus/thoughts of the Forum about that individual...IMO

Re: polls to ban members discontinued

Has anyone ever noticed that just before the Ban Hammer drops...
99% of the candidates had acquired a Neg Rep count in the hundreds..

I think if a member accumulates hundreds of Neg Reps he should be looked
at by the Mods or c0ld as a Ban Applicant..
The Neg Reps a member receives are from Forum Members... and indicates
the consensus/thoughts of the Forum about that individual...IMO


Are there any settings for the boards to notify a mod if someones rep gets dangerously low or negative rather?
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

Has anyone ever noticed that just before the Ban Hammer drops...
99% of the candidates had acquired a Neg Rep count in the hundreds..

I think if a member accumulates hundreds of Neg Reps he should be looked
at by the Mods or c0ld as a Ban Applicant..
The Neg Reps a member receives are from Forum Members... and indicates
the consensus/thoughts of the Forum about that individual...IMO


I agree, you are a wise man Jerry.
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

Only thing is mrgoogfan didnt have neg rep when the thread was started i looked. But anyway you guys are prolly right he woulda got Neg repped to death soon anyhow.
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

no, but his negatives came from "that other thread" when the drama got deep.
Re: polls to ban members discontinued

I'm not sure if there is an automatic Flag to the Mods in vBulletin or if that
option exists..
Or a member can just Report a Link with a note that a member's Neg Reps are
the hundreds...

Re: polls to ban members discontinued

no, but his negatives came from "that other thread" when the drama got deep.

Well you guys have been here longer than me I trust you know whats best. From now on I will use the rep system and PMs but hpefully we dont need to anymore. It would be nice to have a calm peaceful forum but theres always some idiot who thinks he can lie to a crap load of highly experienced laser enthusiasts and get away with it.
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