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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery


I would explain it to you, Wes, but you are already foaming at the mouth. :tinfoil:

I've been to Georgia. They're not all crazy down there. I swear!


Eww :( Lol did you guys see the report about how Osama was being payed by the CIA up to 9/11

A former CIA translator revealed that info. sickening
Alright Jerry explain this to me. Any plane that loses contact with control towers are usually intercepted by fighter jets inside of ten minutes, yet on 9/11, the jetliners that struck New York were allowed to proceed unmolested for more than a half-hour, and the plane that supposedly crashed in Washington was not intercepted for more than an hour and forty minutes after it was widely known that four planes had been hijacked. Ok so explain why there were no interceptions ? The names of the "alleged" hijackers, all muslims, were released to the public only hours after the attacks, despite media and news reports saying we had no knowledge this would happen. If they didn't know of a plan to strike buildings with planes, how would he know the names of the hijackers? president bush has admitted that he continued to read a story to schoolchildren in a Florida school for 30 minutes after being informed that two planes had struck New York and that the nation was under attack. He has never explained this behavior, nor how he saw the first plane hit. It was never televised, only recorded by a French crew filming firemen in New York. In that film, the plane in question does not appear to be a passenger airliner. I'd like to hear your story. Thanks

Hey Wes....
for me to explain reality to you would be an exercise in
Your mind is made up.. and the grey matter between your ears
allows you to understand it your way...You can believe anything
you want...

I suppose the next thing you'll tell us is that you have been abducted
by aliens and that you have Big Foot as a pet...

Yes... the twin towers were taken down by Terrorists in planes
(containing aluminum) weighing many tons and traveling at hundreds
of miles per hour...

Yes... the people that should have responded faster were probably
asleep at the switch... or communications broke down...

Yes... Man landed on the moon in 1969...

No... aliens are not amongst us...

No... the Boggy Man will not visit you tonight...:cool:

@Niko.... Don't worry.... Santa is the person with the presents...;)

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P.S. Not my 'shop job
Last time i remembered planes were made of Aluminum. Thats right a plane is a flying beer can. So you tell me a " plane " can fly through over 6 inches of steel and concrete and make it thought to the other side ? If it was really a plane it would of hit the tower and slid down to the ground



You're just 1/4 of the population who's retarded.

-South Park Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
Ehh... not offended so much..

its a historical event

i still believe that the government blew up the towers
I think regardless of who you believe Sept 11th was planned by, it's not something you should mock : \
