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FrozenGate by Avery

Attitudes towards new members

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Jul 23, 2014
Hi there i'm new to this forum.
i was enjoying it here but iv'e noticed that some people are all too quick to jump down someones throat when they don't know things,

do we not ask questions when we wish to learn something new or further our knowledge?
did the human race get to where it is today without making mistakes along the way?

i thought that this website was a place to share experiences and help those that are in need of advice and not a place for people to play laser god.

i might not know the ins and outs of all the electrical and technical stuff but i'm learning all the time as we all learn things until the day we eventually die,but that does not give anyone the right to have a go,politeness and manners cost not a penny.something which some people should consider before sounding off at new comers,

some might take offence at this and if you do you have my apologies i'm not trying to make enemies here,i'm sure there are some nice helpful people on this forum that will gladly offer their advice to anyone who needs it.

so to sum up, if you consider yourself a laser god/guru help people so that they don't make mistakes,don't have a go at them and call them stupid.that's tantamount to bullying.

Lol. The reason some people corrected you a little more harshly is that you were spouting stuff that didn't make sense to a new guy. Only after they called you out did you say you weren't sure. If you don't know something keep your mouth shut. As for you getting upset here is my opinion.

Everybody starts out being newcomers. If you want to get along and be well liked you play nice and be apologetic instead of jumping to the defensive. If you want to feel good about yourself 100% of the time then either check your info before hand and follow the aforementioned advice or just get off of the internet. I'm sorry some people upset you but they don't owe you anything. If they want to be polite about rebuking or refuting your bad information that is up to them.
I read the thread you are referring to. You weren't asking questions, you were tossing around "information" that you made up like it was sound advice.

You're misinformed; don't pass your misinformation on to others as well.

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I have an attitude towards people who dont know what they are talking about or ask questions without searching first. It pisses me off when people show up here and demand answers to their questions but never have the respect to do reasearch on their own. This is a great place with vast amount of knowledge but we dont spoon feed here

We also dont like people who act like they know what they are talking about but dont know anything. Its one thing to be new and interested in learning, its another to be someone you are not. If you dont know stuff then fine, be open to learning and dont act like you know exactly what you are talking about. It takes time to learn. No one expects a new member to come here and know exactly how to build a new driver or a laser for that much. Know it alls are arrogant and no one likes arrogant people. Its not just here at LPF

I have no idea what the back story to your issue is since I dont care enough to look it up but thats the two things I have an issue with here. They might fit your situation or they may not, who knows
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I'm all up for learning new things,and i'll stand by everything that iv'e said,at the end of the day i will never entertain putting too high a current batteries into a pointer,learned my lesson there after the chap at Aixiz misinformed me about which batteries to use on my first blue handheld.
the reason i joined this forum was to learn things,but people are all too quick to lay down the law like they're some kind of laser god,whatever happened to a cheery "hello welcome to the forum" ?
like i said at the start of this thread there's a fair few people on here that have nothing better to do than to sound off at people when they should in fact be embracing them not chastising them !!!
and as for spoon feeding that has to be the daftest terminology for someone asking for or needing advice,people here should lighten up and accept that not everyone that is a member here knows everything there is to know about the finer points of laser construction.least i know now how not to ask for advice hey,

iv'e made enough mistakes to know what not to do,and hopefully in time i'll learn more new things as we're all learning stuff all the time,so if you've all finished having a pop i'll get on with my evening,thanks lovelies,

and another thing ,i had checked my info with regard to battery current and diode supply,as every diode in the ir that i have used has a current supply that's more or less the same in ma as the diode is in mw.and i'm not into overpowering anything,better to be under the maximum than on it.but what do i know i'm just a new comer that no one's even bothered to welcome to the forum.thanks
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Un-researched info is a big problem here-- its quite obvious that some want to appear helpful or are building post count or both...
We have had, in a few occasions some advice that was not just poor- it was dangerously inaccurate-- & I would say maybe 80% of the posts questioned by other members where merited AND had the poster readd the TOU and the most important of the 'Stickies' we would have less bad manners and few truly 'new' questions--

Personally i am trying to be nicer too. going to friendly advice PMs instead of open forum insults- as that is every bit as bad.

I apoligize to any i ever offended--right or wrong--

Thanks Hakzaw1 think the forum needs more helpful people like you,iv'e only been a member here for less than a week but have been into lasers for about 20 years,iv'e not been into building them until recently as i always thought it was too difficult to achieve,but with the help of this forum and a few other tutorials i have discovered where i was going wrong on the builds iv'e attempted over the past 6 months or so,and learned by my own and others mistakes & every mistake iv'e made i put down to experience and never make the same mistake again,i think that what this forum needs more of is helpful people,people should embrace newcomers and remember that we all have to start somewhere.having a go at people for whatever reason is never good and will always fall on very deaf ears with me,all through my life i have lived by the rule that if someone asks for help you help them no matter what,as that's how the human race got to where it is today,by sharing knowledge and helping your fellow man.perhaps i'm expecting too much to think that everyone should be helpful?....

& yeah iv'e had my fair share of bad advice,got told that 2x 3.7v 1200mah batteries would be fine on my blue 1.4w pointer popped them in switched on and the diode died in a bright flash,since then iv'e been really cautious as to what current batteries i use,but every mistake gets put in the memory banks for future reference,live and learn as they say :)
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OUCH!! & I wager it was NOT a cheap $20 A-130 diode either...

While i do have some 445 JL lasers that NEED 2 pcs 18650 or 26650 batteries I would never assume that ALL need that much VDC-it depends upon the driver AFAIK- a 'boost' driver can make more VDC- a 'buck' lowers the VDC- the other ' linier' is set and IIRC not adjustable-- I hope i have this correct-

I have seen TOO many repeat a mistake hoping for better results the second time which does not happen very often---(including ME!)

I understand you are not new to electronics by any means BUT was there a Cap that was energized ?? shorting ALL caps every time is a MUST-DO rule-

another common culprit is 'satanic' Static-- so ESD precaautions are recommended.
and SOMETIMES even if you do everything ' by the book' drivers and or diodes just fail..
and for that and the other reasons hardly anyone will replace a failed diode or driver.

maybe a new thread in the Blue laser section will get you some expert advice- posting pics often helps.

big ouch that was a $50 diode,it was Chuck from Aixiz that sold me a 1 watt boost drive and the diode,i asked was it safe to use 2x 3.7v 1200ma batteries and he said yes,i was gutted when the diode died in a bright flash,was uber bright for a split second then faded out to almost nothing,i should have paid more attention to the spec sheet i suppose as it said max volts of 6 and it was getting 8 with the 2 batteries fully charged but i figured Chucks advice was sound up until that point as he deals with lasers i asumed he'd know what was what,since then i'm a bit cautious of any advice,i thought perhaps he told me yes just so i'd have to buy another diode,(which i did),but now i use 2 x 3v 1100ma batteries just to make sure i don't repeat the same mistake again,and this is why i choose to use batteries that are on par with the diodes requirements to make sure that i don't blow any more expensive diodes up,costly lessons but all mistakes are good lessons learned :)

as far as i know there are no caps on the driver that was used for that build,iv'e built another one since then with the same diode and driver and with the lower voltage batteries it works well,well i say well but it could use a better heatsink,and in time i hope to buy myself a hobby lathe to try my hand at making my own heatsinks,just have to stop buying components and save for a lathe first ;)
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I apoligize to any i ever offended--right or wrong--


I think I find that offensive :thinking:

To the OP, the search bar at the bottom of the page is your friend, it will never give you any grief.
Here's the way it works, the Dog wags the tail. The tail does not wag the Dog. We are the new guy, we are the tail. We wag and act happy when the Dog wants us too. That's all we do, wag when told and hang out with a smelly hole.

Every once in awhile we get lucky and make a laser work. Then we get told by the Dog there is no way you could have done that. Uh, here's a picture, here it is working. I don't know what to tell you ? LMAO !
i've been on here a long time - best way to operate on this Forum is as follows:

1 Do your own research if possible
2 Ask questions you can't find the answer to
3 Help others when you are sure of the info.

Do this and you'll be fine on here.
That being said, we've all crossed some of these lines. Just try not to do it often or you will be flamed, or worse.:)
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to be fair,when i offered another new comer some battery advice it was based on my experiences,and i still maintain that using batteries with too high a current will more than likely reduce the lifespan of any diode,just the like the blue one that died when the batteries that i was advised were ok to use caused the diode to fail,so based on that what i was saying to the other new guy was right,plus what ever happened to a "hello welcome to the forum"? still people are quick to judge and comment but not so quick to actually welcome someone to this forum,thanks guys,nice to feel welcomed.
to be fair,when i offered another new comer some battery advice it was based on my experiences,and i still maintain that using batteries with too high a current will more than likely reduce the lifespan of any diode,just the like the blue one that died when the batteries that i was advised were ok to use caused the diode to fail,so based on that what i was saying to the other new guy was right,plus what ever happened to a "hello welcome to the forum"? still people are quick to judge and comment but not so quick to actually welcome someone to this forum,thanks guys,nice to feel welcomed.

Hi welcome to the forum, but you're wrong about the battery. The driver protects the laser diode by controlling exactly the amount of power you want to feed it regardless of the capability of the battery.
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Thanks for the welcome Visible green,at least some people have some common courtesy :)
what i find odd about lasers,batteries and drivers is this,the builds iv'e been working on have all been case positive,positive end of the battery in the tailcap,so how does the driver regulate current when the diode is getting it's live feed from the case?
i have said when i first initially posted that i'm no expert but does that give anyone the right to sound off have a go and be rude? no,politeness and manners and common civility cost not a penny,i'll probably make more mistakes in the future and i'll be wary of anyone's advice after Chuck from Aixiz misinformed me on what batteries to use.i don't think i'll bother posting any threads again,as after this i doubt anyone except maybe a few people will give me any correct advice,i expect people will be chomping at the bit to give me some bad advice on purpose,perhaps i'm wrong (& i hope i am),we shall see,

& thanks Ped i know i put my first thread in the wrong place,but i was at the time still getting used to the forum,and realized i'd posted my thread in the wrong section after i'd posted it,delete this thread and the other if you so desire,i won't be offended if you do and it would free up some space for something else,cheers.
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