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COMPLETE LIST of "low cost"online stores. PROS and CONS.tested and not lasers.
hello boys..... i noticed that there isn't a thread for ALL the possibilities that we have to choose where to buy laser pointers.
i think this is the first thread regarding this list........
i START SAYING that ___this thread IS NOT___ for the BETTER and EXPENSIVE lasers that we can find on:
1- laserglow
2- optotronics
3- novalasers
4- dragonlasers
5- skylasers
(did i forgot others IMPORTANT companies?) all of these laser companies produce themselves laser pointers or buy from CNI factory.
here you can find stable 150/160/170mw PEN with peak of 200mw.....because they uses good quality diodes/crystals.
This thread is for ALL the other companies that sell "extracheap no tested"......AND " cheap but tested" lasers pointers and modules.
i think that this DINSTINCTION IS VERY IMPORTANT...!yes...i but tested
because all these "others" companies...... i am quite sure that buy lasers from about the same manufatures.... the difference from these low cost seller... is that some test lasers.. and some not.
this is the list that I KNOW....there to buy laser pointers.
in this list i will divide between :
-A zone- : stores that sell relatively cheap lasers... but tested with a LPM before to ship.(but this is NOT a real guarantee to receive t home a real good powered one)
-B zone- : shop that are cheap or extremely cheap.... but the power output is NOT GUARANTEED..... you could receive an underpowered lasers as a RIGHT powered laser.(often you receive underpowered lasers but for the price you paid it.... it is still a good deal)
-C zone- : (to avoid firstly for price....near to zone A but not guaranteed power)
in this zone you can find lasers that could be realy good powered or not.... and no one could help you to decide if buy or not the laser... BECAUSE almost nobody bought a aser from these shops.... and you have the same "not guarantee" from the zone a..... but at higher price.
............these are the sites knowed by me.... (but every further help will be appreciate)
--------AAA zone----------
( o-like ) = it seems one of the older and appreciated "second choice" store where to buy laser modules and pointers... at a tested power.... generally overpowered.
this company does NOT produce lasers.. but just buy from factories...and test the best selected ones. SHIPPING IS NOT FREE
PROS: the older...most known...great confidence/support with susie
CONS: some member received underpowered laser....and it happens more often that you could think. support is ok, but you should ship back all... and wait...for the replacement
( rayfoss ) = this store gradually becomes the most antagonist of o-like. also this shop test all lasers with a LPM before to ship..... and i've heard less time people who received underpowered lasers(but sometimes happens is normal for every company)
some HIGHpowered lasers of 300/400 mw had in past poor life span.. they died after some minutes/hours.but it was a momentary problem...i think rayfoss solved that problem.SHIPPING IS NOT FREE
PROS: it is a bit cheaper that o-like for some high powered laser pointers and modules. others 5/50mw lasers have similar prices. but for 150mw power modules/pens.. rayfoss is cheaper.
( laserlands ) = I DON'T KNOW IF TO PUT HERE THIS SELLER..... seems a cheap and specialized store for laser pointers...with tested power.
it is online by not so much time.... and first impression seem good.... but we need to wait more time to see how it is really.
i noticed some real DEALS on this site...... if it is a really trusted seller like o-like and rayfoss... it could be a real enemy for them. laserlands have she SAME cheap and quality laser product...but the price is really NEAR to dealextreme or focalprice with some lasers.... and if it really guarantee what he is OK.SHIPPING IS NOT FREE
PROS: the cheaper of the "tested power" companies
CONS: we need time to see if it is real...
--------BBB zone----------
this is a long list...please help me if you know a new cheap site(like DX or FP)
( dealextreme ) = the most known ALL IN ONE stores in the web where you can find almost everything, also laser pointers!
here you can buy laser ben produced by newwish...normally nice powered from 5 to 50mw.
it was the first store where EVERYONE bought a laser
but it doesn't seem that want to increase the laser products.... it is almost blocked by months!!!
it have some good laser pointers... but not so much choices (focalprice in opposite have too much choices XD XD)
PROS: really good prices....and some good laser pointers. SHIPPING IS FREE
CONS: not guaranteed power.... you could receive a 200mw newwish pen that does 160mw or just 60mw..., and the prices IMHO seems too much high for lasers or more than 100mw !! at these price... i would choose laserlands...why not?
( focalprice ) = UPDATE 12/07/10 i can say THIS IS THE BEST LOW COST STORE where to buy lasers. italian custom blocked me a pack shipped APRIL 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
italian custom is VERY slow.. and shipped back it recently... i discovered this because entering in my FP account, fp sent me a message...they offered me a full refund or a new shipment.i choosed full refund. VERY..very..VERY..very HONEST company. wich other shops whould ave emailed me of a pack received back?DX not... i think they stolen me about 2 packs shipped back by ita custom. but FP is very honest.....informing me about a pack of 15 months old!:thanks:
focalprice has the best prices for cheap lasers,add NEW lasers,the latest on the market avaible. DX laser page is instead BLOCKED by a lot of time!!!
(award of the best low cost and rare laser pen/gun hosts)it think it is the MOST fierce adversary of dealestreme(in every product)...gradually it INCREASED the choices of laser pointers....and at the moment i could say it sell TOO MUCH lasers XD XD .....often you see similar lasers at similar prices... or similar lasers at very different prices.... incredible!!! i think focalprice is one of the best cheap store where to find the deal you want.
i bought/discovered from/on it the FIRST DISCO PEN LASER i've seen in my life. here is my review SHIPPING IS FREE
PROS: cheaper that DX!!! sell 200mw green pen at 35/45 $.... much less lower than dx 60$ (55$ recently updated). if you got luck...can receive about 100/120mw of power. AH...2 rimes i was partially refunded for 2 underpowered lasers( they gave me about 4$ of credit for next purchase, NOT BAD!)
...and they REFUNDED ME on a pack that was blocked by italian custom...and shipped back!SERIUOUS SELLER... they could had negate to receive back the pack... but they didn't do!!!! dealextreme... i think received back 1 or 2 lasers(by my custom) and did not say me i lost some $ )
CONS: only sometimes the shipment is slow...
( ledshoppe ) i've seen a lot of review of the 5 and 50mw pen that this store sell. most of 50mw lasers are near or above specs.....
PROS: some members received 50mw pens that output 70.... 100mw... and i remember one boy...about 150mw!!!but in most cases you got a decent pen within 40/60 range
CONS: this store has max 50mw pen...and not other style of laser pointers. few products, but good!
( buyincoins ) it has REALLY LOW ( near ebay) prices.... for lasers 5 to 50mw.... i don't know the real quality....but it is a good choice i think!....mmhh... but i can not buy from it... i live in italy, they banned italy and others nations XD cry
i would buy from this site but i can not!cheap bluray pens.
--------CCC zone----------
( ) UPDATE:it was in zone B. now it is here because prices are reized!less power +$!!i have no information of this store.... it HAD good preices... but without reason the big panga changed them. .... meybe some guys... with previous prices chould have tryied to order somegings... but now.. with prices like other sites... is preferible buy from other best trusted sites... like DX and FP.. that have good service support.
shipping is FREE. the only 1 deal on this site at "this moment" is the 5mw green keychain at 6.69$(best price ever)
( budgetgadgets ) i put this store in C zone because it has high prices for lasers.... and just 1 or 2 lasers seem to be good and tested by 1 or 2 members. i don't say that this seller sell bad quality laser...i don't know! but for sure... the prices of these lasers are not as low as others stores..and it is NOT guaranteed in power.
(qualitychinagoods) this store have high prices and not guaranteed power....why should we buy from it?
hello boys..... i noticed that there isn't a thread for ALL the possibilities that we have to choose where to buy laser pointers.
i think this is the first thread regarding this list........
i START SAYING that ___this thread IS NOT___ for the BETTER and EXPENSIVE lasers that we can find on:
1- laserglow
2- optotronics
3- novalasers
4- dragonlasers
5- skylasers
(did i forgot others IMPORTANT companies?) all of these laser companies produce themselves laser pointers or buy from CNI factory.
here you can find stable 150/160/170mw PEN with peak of 200mw.....because they uses good quality diodes/crystals.
This thread is for ALL the other companies that sell "extracheap no tested"......AND " cheap but tested" lasers pointers and modules.
i think that this DINSTINCTION IS VERY IMPORTANT...!yes...i but tested
because all these "others" companies...... i am quite sure that buy lasers from about the same manufatures.... the difference from these low cost seller... is that some test lasers.. and some not.
this is the list that I KNOW....there to buy laser pointers.
in this list i will divide between :
-A zone- : stores that sell relatively cheap lasers... but tested with a LPM before to ship.(but this is NOT a real guarantee to receive t home a real good powered one)
-B zone- : shop that are cheap or extremely cheap.... but the power output is NOT GUARANTEED..... you could receive an underpowered lasers as a RIGHT powered laser.(often you receive underpowered lasers but for the price you paid it.... it is still a good deal)
-C zone- : (to avoid firstly for price....near to zone A but not guaranteed power)
in this zone you can find lasers that could be realy good powered or not.... and no one could help you to decide if buy or not the laser... BECAUSE almost nobody bought a aser from these shops.... and you have the same "not guarantee" from the zone a..... but at higher price.
............these are the sites knowed by me.... (but every further help will be appreciate)
--------AAA zone----------
( o-like ) = it seems one of the older and appreciated "second choice" store where to buy laser modules and pointers... at a tested power.... generally overpowered.
this company does NOT produce lasers.. but just buy from factories...and test the best selected ones. SHIPPING IS NOT FREE
PROS: the older...most known...great confidence/support with susie
CONS: some member received underpowered laser....and it happens more often that you could think. support is ok, but you should ship back all... and wait...for the replacement
( rayfoss ) = this store gradually becomes the most antagonist of o-like. also this shop test all lasers with a LPM before to ship..... and i've heard less time people who received underpowered lasers(but sometimes happens is normal for every company)
some HIGHpowered lasers of 300/400 mw had in past poor life span.. they died after some minutes/hours.but it was a momentary problem...i think rayfoss solved that problem.SHIPPING IS NOT FREE
PROS: it is a bit cheaper that o-like for some high powered laser pointers and modules. others 5/50mw lasers have similar prices. but for 150mw power modules/pens.. rayfoss is cheaper.
( laserlands ) = I DON'T KNOW IF TO PUT HERE THIS SELLER..... seems a cheap and specialized store for laser pointers...with tested power.
it is online by not so much time.... and first impression seem good.... but we need to wait more time to see how it is really.
i noticed some real DEALS on this site...... if it is a really trusted seller like o-like and rayfoss... it could be a real enemy for them. laserlands have she SAME cheap and quality laser product...but the price is really NEAR to dealextreme or focalprice with some lasers.... and if it really guarantee what he is OK.SHIPPING IS NOT FREE
PROS: the cheaper of the "tested power" companies
CONS: we need time to see if it is real...
--------BBB zone----------
this is a long list...please help me if you know a new cheap site(like DX or FP)
( dealextreme ) = the most known ALL IN ONE stores in the web where you can find almost everything, also laser pointers!
here you can buy laser ben produced by newwish...normally nice powered from 5 to 50mw.
it was the first store where EVERYONE bought a laser

it have some good laser pointers... but not so much choices (focalprice in opposite have too much choices XD XD)
PROS: really good prices....and some good laser pointers. SHIPPING IS FREE
CONS: not guaranteed power.... you could receive a 200mw newwish pen that does 160mw or just 60mw..., and the prices IMHO seems too much high for lasers or more than 100mw !! at these price... i would choose laserlands...why not?
( focalprice ) = UPDATE 12/07/10 i can say THIS IS THE BEST LOW COST STORE where to buy lasers. italian custom blocked me a pack shipped APRIL 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
italian custom is VERY slow.. and shipped back it recently... i discovered this because entering in my FP account, fp sent me a message...they offered me a full refund or a new shipment.i choosed full refund. VERY..very..VERY..very HONEST company. wich other shops whould ave emailed me of a pack received back?DX not... i think they stolen me about 2 packs shipped back by ita custom. but FP is very honest.....informing me about a pack of 15 months old!:thanks:
focalprice has the best prices for cheap lasers,add NEW lasers,the latest on the market avaible. DX laser page is instead BLOCKED by a lot of time!!!
(award of the best low cost and rare laser pen/gun hosts)it think it is the MOST fierce adversary of dealestreme(in every product)...gradually it INCREASED the choices of laser pointers....and at the moment i could say it sell TOO MUCH lasers XD XD .....often you see similar lasers at similar prices... or similar lasers at very different prices.... incredible!!! i think focalprice is one of the best cheap store where to find the deal you want.
i bought/discovered from/on it the FIRST DISCO PEN LASER i've seen in my life. here is my review SHIPPING IS FREE
PROS: cheaper that DX!!! sell 200mw green pen at 35/45 $.... much less lower than dx 60$ (55$ recently updated). if you got luck...can receive about 100/120mw of power. AH...2 rimes i was partially refunded for 2 underpowered lasers( they gave me about 4$ of credit for next purchase, NOT BAD!)
...and they REFUNDED ME on a pack that was blocked by italian custom...and shipped back!SERIUOUS SELLER... they could had negate to receive back the pack... but they didn't do!!!! dealextreme... i think received back 1 or 2 lasers(by my custom) and did not say me i lost some $ )
CONS: only sometimes the shipment is slow...
( ledshoppe ) i've seen a lot of review of the 5 and 50mw pen that this store sell. most of 50mw lasers are near or above specs.....
PROS: some members received 50mw pens that output 70.... 100mw... and i remember one boy...about 150mw!!!but in most cases you got a decent pen within 40/60 range
CONS: this store has max 50mw pen...and not other style of laser pointers. few products, but good!
( buyincoins ) it has REALLY LOW ( near ebay) prices.... for lasers 5 to 50mw.... i don't know the real quality....but it is a good choice i think!....mmhh... but i can not buy from it... i live in italy, they banned italy and others nations XD cry

--------CCC zone----------
( ) UPDATE:it was in zone B. now it is here because prices are reized!less power +$!!i have no information of this store.... it HAD good preices... but without reason the big panga changed them. .... meybe some guys... with previous prices chould have tryied to order somegings... but now.. with prices like other sites... is preferible buy from other best trusted sites... like DX and FP.. that have good service support.
shipping is FREE. the only 1 deal on this site at "this moment" is the 5mw green keychain at 6.69$(best price ever)
( budgetgadgets ) i put this store in C zone because it has high prices for lasers.... and just 1 or 2 lasers seem to be good and tested by 1 or 2 members. i don't say that this seller sell bad quality laser...i don't know! but for sure... the prices of these lasers are not as low as others stores..and it is NOT guaranteed in power.
(qualitychinagoods) this store have high prices and not guaranteed power....why should we buy from it?
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