I'm sure Ken's referring to the seller... who already has a dubious reputation here on LPF..
Nuf said....
As we say in Quebec... "don't eat your socks"...
Haha, I’ll take it from you; you probably know him more than I do, “eh” (haha sorry I couldn’t resist, but don’t get me wrong… Canada’s awesome

). And I like your expression. No offense was meant to Ken in that last post, so Ken, if you’re reading this, please don’t take any. Sorry if I came off wrong!!!
I know enough about this stuff to know that you can't trust any single point of data - for all we know, the one sent for a sample is a hand-picked or "real" 8X sled, taken from a known 8X drive. That way, a reputable member confirms some extremely good results, then we all launch ourseles at getting the verified "8X sleds" for a brilliant price, and there turn out to be hundreds of orders. Then, we find out that he has some trash sleds and they're worth next to nothing. PayPal won't even do a charge-back if the money isn't in your seller's account, and the guy organising the GB is up against a wall, with PayPal debt collectors demanding the money from his account that he doesn't even have.
You may think this unlikely, but didn't one of Amk's GBs fail because the seller overrated some sleds as 6X when they were really the 4X sled? And, since the seller contacted him, I am guessing that this is the same supplier as the one for his previous GB. I'd procede with caution...
Yuh’s done went and gone op’nd my eyes’s tuh tha’ light… God bless yo’ lil’ soul.
No but really, everything that you said is very true. I was actually thinking the same thought, that if good results come out, the diode in the sled might have just been swapped for a powerful 8x one. Its worth the extra time, hard effort, and money to do that if you have a possible order of sleds in the hundreds, leading you to thousands of bucks. And PayPal never has seemed to be very accepting about returns.
And I didn’t know about Amkdeath’s previous scammed group buy! We better watch ourselves here.
Oh, i know who are you, your are Andrew Fitch. Please do not say lies. the invoice send to your in April 17, 2009. your said need 100 PHR-803T and 100 LPC815, weight at 10kg, we said shipping cost is $210.
Why your said 50 PHR-803T and 50 LPC815 the shipping cost at $215??? WHY???? absolutely no such thing.
But 100 PHR and 100 LPC, we said shipping cost are $210, this is true.
I don’t quite know what to make of this…
Why is the shipping so much
Wondering the same thing: I’m have a couple of different ideas about that in my head:
- It doesn’t really cost that much, Jack is trying to make a few extra bucks.
- It
does cost that much because 10kg (if that’s the actual weight) must be hard to reliably ship from China.
Who knows.