wolfblue said:
[quote author=HumanSymphony link=1240405492/32#32 date=1240521709]
Amkdeath is a very prominent member himself
I gather. And I do recall seeing his avatar. Its just that I hang mostly in the 405nm section, and he hasnt been real active here in the last few months. And I've seen your avatar before too. And I'm only becoming familiar with you today. There's alot of people in here.
Maybe I should give a more precise expression of what I'm thinking sometimes. Like......
After looking at Amkdeath's profile and some of his post's, as well as some REP comments, I will give his opinion of the possible 8X much weight. Though I don't really know much about him, it's obvious that Amkdeath is quite the respected member in his own right. I hope that he sees this thread and adds to it.
HumanSymphony said:
You need not have any worries n00b
Some people are noobs here on LPF. Some people are noobs here on Earth. Some people had lasers before other people were born.
I'm a noob on LPF. I lurked since December. I posted slow for a long time. I tried to learn this place and not come busting in. A noob should do it that way. Lurk, slow start replying, no new threads for a while. But even after five months I have things I'm not sure about. Like the term noobie. Does that mean new to this forum ? I used to see people say noob on alt before all these forums were started. And even then I was never sure if they meant new to the BB, or having limited technical knowledge, or for etiquette violation. I see HumanSymphony has been here a whole year. And I'm sure your quite respected here as well. But I respect people for what they know. I hope your are a respected member here. A bigger chance for me to learn from you. And I did not mean to imply anything about Amkdeath at all. More that I trust him already based on some names in his +1 list.
And nice hair HumanSymphony. I always seem to love a gif
Well that was all quite unnecessary

I meant n00b as in you're simply uneducated in who amkdeath is. Wasn't intended to be offensive.

I know you weren't implying anything about amkdeath. I was simply assuring you that he is a SWELL guy! ;D