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505nm diode?

There's the LPF spirit I mentioned to Rich. :p

I reckon we could see 50-55mW out of it. It's rated at 125mA. Do you reckon 200mA would be overkill, if properly heatsinked? Anyone want to test. :whistle:

First I want to know what wavelength it is and then we can figure the power. My only concern is that if we raise the current the wavelength will also raise slightly making it creep closer to 510nm.
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Hi Curtis,
Yes we will see if things go well with the supplier , Im just waiting for them to get back to me and we will see the max Amp's as well as efficiency .

I don't believe anyone has used this diode yet. We don't know how high it can be pushed. It is within the realm of possibility that it can reach 100 mW. Will that work for you, Radim?

I think so, Paul. :) However I should calculate properly intensity as perceived by camera to some equivalent I've experience with. But in general 100 mW seems to be sufficient in most of the visible spectrum for my purposes. With lower powers some techiques are hard to do as I use low ISO and high f number (tiny aperture) for interference patterns, depth of field and to keep as low noise as possible. So high powers are needed together with great beam specs. Quite contradiction. That's why I love DPSS lasers. However even semiconductor lasers have their use and I'm beginning to like them more after my latest artwork (Soul in the Surreal world). ;)
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Ok Rich. :)
Thank you for your help today.
For the first time I am actually focusing more on the wavelength than power. I'd rather have a 35mW <505 than a 55mW >505. :p But until some spectros them under current strain we won't know what the right balance is. :beer:
I'm not surprised that your fund is running low. You've had a nice spend up recently. :D

They should satisfy you for long enough. :p

Yes, they should. :D It's hard to resist once you see a nice laser. :whistle: But fund reserved for lasers is a very good way how to keep it under control. :D Kind of piggy bank approach. :crackup:
Hi Curtis ,
Anytime buddy still waiting for a reply once i get it ill let you know ..

<awakes from a LPF coma>

These have my interest for sure, although I can't find any info about Sharp green laser diodes that are already in production. I would think a 505nm diode would have LESS uses than than the 520nm diodes saturating the market, as 520nm is exceptionally better for green in displays. They would likely be great in gun sights though, considering it is sitting at the scotopic peak. Probably some biological/spectroscopic applications for them as well, although they would need tight thermal regulation to get any useful data.

If I wasn't broke I'd buy a handful and batch test them. Would love to get a <500nm freak. :D There is no need to drive the piss out of a diode like this, because cranking up the current will redshift the output both from the current itself and the generated heat.
Thanks Rich! :)

Styropyro, good to see you back on. :)
Yep, already mentioned the red shift. I want a diode as close to 500nm as possible.
Hi, styropyro. How's that Phd in optics coming along? Great to see you pop in every so often. :)
Hi Curtis ,
they only had a few for testing and i replied and put in an order, Just waiting to here back from them.They should be getting in a shipment soon.

Thanks for letting me know
Rich. When you can let me know an estimated price for the build and I will try and find some money for it ready. :beer:
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If we can get these suckers down in price, I'd probably consider picking up a few to bin them and pray for a sub 500nm one. Been wanting a 490-500 for a while now and I feel these MAY be capable of 500nm's if driven low and kept cool on a binned diode. Now just to wait and see what comes of this and hope for the best.
Hi curtis,
Relax I'm here for you when your ready to build buddy ,,
@ Cynical
Hi They are already at a nice price very cheap just waiting forth to get in the stock item. My order is in so i have no idea of the discount , even if no discount occurs i will pay there already low price.I will keep posting of the outcome pal.

What reliable source has them cheaply? I thought we were still waiting on a known reputable supplier to get them in at ~15 per diode?
Hi C,
I will let folks know when i receive the info on the order i submitted . Right know its up in the air so be patient my man ..

