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505nm diode?

I'm patient :) just praying these really come out 505 or lower and not 510-515 seeing as the only info we have so far is coming from the sellers.

We will see after putting them through a PSU and logged to see if we can keep them low or high. They are 5.6mm diodes not 3.8 so they might take some more or less AMP's. And we need them to be specto metered at certain amps .

If they were to turn out to be 505nm or so, I would snatch the opportunity. I, too, have been wanting to get close to the 500nm blue-green for quite some time. I still do not know how much hope to put in to it, because I've been disappointed before with 488nm. I definitely hope it turns out to be true, because it would be perfect for a few things I want to build. :pop:
Hey, Rich. I think I will get at least one of these to do some spectrometer readings at different powers. Could you contact me when they are available so I can order them then?
hi Paul ,
If things work out well with the quantity i asked for and the price is what they quoted , i will send you so you can specto the results no biggie pal.
At the moment keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best buddy..

Thank you, Rich. That is very generous of you. I figured I could take some specrto readings at different current settings to get a good idea what this diode will, and won't, do. Then I plan to post about the results.
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hi Paul,
Awesome looking forward to this if its true then we will have a great WL at 500nm. I hope thing work out i can taste them now LOL!!

That would be great Paul. :)
Ha, and Rich. I'm as patient as I can be. :D

I'm looking forward to the results.
Every few nm as you go towards cyan has a change in colour. So a 502nm should be noticeably different. :)
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OK who All is Ordering Diodes I plan to get 10 Next week and Have them Shipped through Junktronix to be put under a spectrum analyzer.
I think that results of the first few pending, I will be trying to get around 5-10 to cherry pick one for another pen build.
Well, I'm pretty excited to get to measure the wavelengths of this new diode and to see how they may shift when pushed. I'm hoping it will be fairly stable and stay close to 505nm, but we shall see. I think it would be great if this is the beginning of the emergence of this wavelength in a LD, so we might see them in powers greater than 35 mW.
I'm fairly excited too. Thanks for testing for us Paul. There are no 505nm pointers on the market from what I can see, so LPF will be pioneers again for this new wavelength. :beer:
Greater than 35mW is a possibility Paul. These diodes are very new to us still.
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Well, I'm pretty excited to get to measure the wavelengths of this new diode and to see how they may shift when pushed. I'm hoping it will be fairly stable and stay close to 505nm, but we shall see. I think it would be great if this is the beginning of the emergence of this wavelength in a LD, so we might see them in powers greater than 35 mW.

Be interested in seeing what the temperature tuning coefficient is like. If these are indeed 505nm and a low wavelength binned diode can be found (say 502nm) it may be possible to bring it down to 500nm with a fairly simple cooling setup.

That'd be a nice colour!:D
