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505nm diode?

Yes, I notice they do that a lot as well. It annoys me all the time. They also do the same to shipping in some cases. A cheaper product will have the more expensive shipping.

Anyway, hows this for another visualisation of 505nm. I just hue corrected a image of 520nm.

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Huh. Guess i could try to get my hands on one and check it with my spectrometer. That's why I got it in the first place.
I sent newgazer a message asking if he could test one of the diodes and send me a picture so I could make sure it's actually 505nm. He said he is going to test one by the end of the week and update me.
If it is 505nm then that would be good news for the forum. 505 is a beautiful colour, but I reckon it could be difficult to photograph accurately though.
Yes, I notice they do that a lot as well. It annoys me all the time. They also do the same to shipping in some cases. A cheaper product will have the more expensive shipping.

Anyway, hows this for another visualisation of 505nm. I just hue corrected a image of 520nm.


If that's correct I want it! Not as much as 561 nm, but I want it. :D

BTW Greetings from Vienna. ;)
I really love green, it's kind of natural colour. I think I'll experimemt with it more in my next laserpainting, let's see - first composition drawing on paper is done, but I'll change it for sure... ;) Maybe I need more greens. :D Hopefully 505 nm will come soon available in higher powers - at least 100 mW. Otherwise it is too dim and has limited use for my purposes.

Just overnight, I'm flying away tomorrow morning. Business...
35mW will still appear bright.
But it would be nice to see more 505's let alone more powerful ones. Who knows there could be more on the way.

Business? :p
Just a little bit more power would allow me to do more stuff with that. :)

Yes, kind of stuff I do to earn some bucks for lasers. :D
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Keep your fingers crossed. There has been some research into 505's not so long ago.

I think I need to find a 100K job to settle my laser budget. :D
We will see. For now my laser fund is drained after ordering RPL-II and some optics. :D Further I consider Sanwu pocket series and followed by some grainde's 7 W (or more) build. ;) Enough lasers to get enough time for 505 nm 100 mW. :D
I'm not surprised that your fund is running low. You've had a nice spend up recently. :D

They should satisfy you for long enough. :p
I don't believe anyone has used this diode yet. We don't know how high it can be pushed. It is within the realm of possibility that it can reach 100 mW. Will that work for you, Radim?
