Ya know what, I'm beneath this.
Yes i did the swap trick, yes i regret it, and YES, i admit it fully.
I'd also like to just take a step back, and let know DAVE, TJ, and even CHIP know that i probably should have taken a step back a while ago. My sincere appologies.
This swap trick was done LONG before the existence of dark lasers, and it's gunna stay that way.
Anyways, bottom line, this thread is DEF not the spot to do this. I'll start a "dark lasers doubts" doubts thread if need be.. That seems the more proper route to take things.
lol, but i got off the last exit you guys, So i'm done. enough is enough in one thread.
@Arena, thats you too

thank you brother.
But like i said before, everyone is entitled to their opinions. But i am FAR to bussy to be dealin with such things.
TJ - theres just no side-bets with you, your completely un-manageable.
Chip - and your last statement is 100% correct, I did get called out, and i admitted. Now lets both just move on, you benefit from me in no way, and nither I. ? so lets keep this thread clean.
DAVE - Listen dave, I appoogize for my snap's. I am sending you a PM
Cheers to all, Clean this thread up...seriously. Keep an eye out for my SPECIAL thread

you can lay into dark lasers ALL you want there. k?