rog8811 said:
Fantastic pictures

Very nice setup as well, it looks like you have used the turning blocks from PS3 sleds for your 1st 90 degree turn, I have used them and found that they are prefect for the job as they were designed for Blu ray LD's, so as you say....
The optics arent causing much of a loss
I look forward to further developments.
Regards rog8811
Thanks, im having fun playing with different ideas and taking pictures of course

Lasers seem to be very photogenic, no matter what the setup.
You are correct, the 'mirriors' are the same you speak of. I have some first surface glass, but dont want to scratch them while figurung things out. The other ones, lets just say is from an unlimited supply :
They also make great combiners for green and red or green and violet. They are small, but so are the beams
Anyone know if 4 LM317's can be mounted to a single H/S, without isolating them from one another?
I havent tried this yet, but am thinking it will adjust them as one? Or would it just be a better idea to keep them on seperate heatsinks?
Im working on the driver, and dont want to etch the board until the details are hammerd out.
andy_con said:
i stopped building for the reason i Pm'ed you about
Just out of curiosity, what patent exactly were you reffering to in the PM? I want to be sure and avoid stepping on toes. I have seen many versions of this type af build, including a member of PL's, rendition in a previous post. Not too mention the exact duplicates made by students. Im a bit confused by this.. :-/