Re: 215mW 6X Key Chain Blu-ray! - With FlexDrive!
Bummer about your diode...
If you think it is a dead diode, and not something else, I will rebuild it at no charge. Just parts and shipping with a couple of bucks to cover my PayPal fees. Or, I will sell you a PHR sled. I have stock on hand. $15 dollars plus $3 dollars for shipping and handling...
About the tail cap, you must be very careful, because when your done, there will only be about 1/2mm of brass thickness left at the very center, where the tip of the drill will go the deepest. It already has a hole in it for the spring, so you know you can go at least as deep at that. Now, take your calipers, and measure the allowable distance. You will find that you can go about 10.4mm depth. As you get close, you must use the depth measuring part of your calipers to measure the depth.
The other thing that I have to do, after I get it drilled to the proper depth, is get the bottom of the drilled out hole,
'flat' for the battery... since the tip of the drill bit goes the deepest. (you need this extra couple of mm's for the 10280 to fit) This is done using a
milling bit.
And finally, since my milling bit is just a little smaller in diameter than my drill bit, I have to finish it off with a small grinding bit using my Dremel tool.
It sounds like a lot of work, but it really is not too bad with the proper tools... (takes about 15 or 20 minutes working carefully)
Another tip: I found that using some aluminum tape, the kind used for sealing heat duct, wrapped around the piece (head or tail cap), will let you do the drilling without any marks on the piece!

(single layer wrap)
About the wife... use care when handling. ;D If the back of your hand does not work... JK
Really though... buy her something she likes man, that is almost always going to go a long way. Sometimes it doesn't even have to be expensive, it's just the thought...