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>200mW High Powered Green Laser Comparison

Could be. I have ordered some large IR filters though so I will be fitting it with one of these and will get an accurate reading on it's green output.

Update- Rayfoss laser was first to arrive. Laser powered up for literally 2 seconds before crapping out unexpectedly. I cannot see a reason for this although it does sound like something is loose in the head of the laser. First post updated.
I just got a new toy today. It's a RAYFOSS, non-IR filtered GREEN @ 550-600mW's. I'll post some power results when the battery finishes charging, & I can put it on my DELUXE LASERBEE. I can hardly wait..........rob
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Update- Rayfoss laser was first to arrive. Laser powered up for literally 2 seconds before crapping out unexpectedly. I cannot see a reason for this although it does sound like something is loose in the head of the laser. First post updated.

Well that totally sucks :yabbmad:
Yeah not to pleased so far, but they did agree to replace the laser. I am trying to keep the anger elves away right now. I am shipping it back today at the cost of $31. I will add this to the price of the laser in the first post.
Yeah not to pleased so far, but they did agree to replace the laser. I am trying to keep the anger elves away right now. I am shipping it back today at the cost of $31. I will add this to the price of the laser in the first post.

Do you have to bare thr costs for the return...? Rayfoss should credit you this costs...? I just received a couple of weeks agon the Rayfoss 150mW focusable and I´m highly delighted about this unit.

Best regards,

well laeser that is what it states on their website. I do not know how stricly they follow this policy. This is the 2nd rayfoss I have had that pooped on me. The first I didn't return because I gutted it to locate the problem myself. This however is another story. It was basically DOA. It only survived 2 SECONDS!!!!.
well laeser that is what it states on their website. I do not know how stricly they follow this policy. This is the 2nd rayfoss I have had that pooped on me. The first I didn't return because I gutted it to locate the problem myself. This however is another story. It was basically DOA. It only survived 2 SECONDS!!!!.

I guess that's probably why the price is so low, no QC. Yea they should cover the cost for shipping it back to them, and then the cost to ship it back to you again. Hopefully they will.
Well they said they tested it thoroughly. But who knows what happened. Maybe the sent me a battery that was overcharged or something. I will let them figure it out.
The Rayfoss is in transit back to China so it looks like the replacement should be arriving somewhere around the same time as the CNI 400mW does. This week however there will be 3 arrivals (if nothing goes wrong) The O-like, the Sky, and the RPL. I think it is going to be a good week.
Update- Rayfoss laser was first to arrive. Laser powered up for literally 2 seconds before crapping out unexpectedly. I cannot see a reason for this although it does sound like something is loose in the head of the laser. First post updated.

Sounds like typical Rayfoss to me (at least for high powered lasers), although some members may disagree.
