like the drawing!
perhaps only the "head" would have to be brass? with a large enough contact between the head and body, the transferring between brass and aluminum would be sufficient.
is there anything available (host, module, heatsink) which already uses a thread to secure the diode? would like to know how much difference it makes..
Yes, thermal exchange can be good from body and heatsink, too, but my first idea was about made the heatsink that make all the work (or at least, the most part of it) of thermal dissipation ..... after all, a "heatsink" must not just draw heat, must also dissipate it efficently, and where the transfer rate is a function of the "mass" (or, better said, thickness and lenght of the "heat ways"), the dissipation rate is, basically, a direct function of the surface exposed to the air.
As example, making the fins 2mm thickness, with spaces between them of 2 mm, keeping them 5mm long, can almost double the efficency, at condition that air is still free to circulate around it, and still the head is robust enough for survive "accidents" ..... but making them 1mm to 1mm, increase a lot the efficency, but is much more easy to break something, if the unit drop or get hit hard (crude brass can't survive too much at repeated bending ..... sometimes, one time is already one time too much)
I'm not sure for modules, til now i used only aixiz and "self-made" ones ..... is possible that there are already some types of modules that use screw fit, instead press fit ..... and for green modules, i've seen that all the types of green modules i buyed from o-like use this system, too, but i'm not sure for other manufacturer ..... i always preferred this system, cause once the diode is fixed, there is better thermal conduction and less possibility to "loose" or detach for the diode, and also, is more easy (if the module is worked good) to insert, fit and keep it aligned ..... just in fact of thermal transfer, as example, a good made screw fit can transfer almost the double of the heat than a press-fit one
BTW, i never understood why (except for economy in manufacturing

) those high power / high price lasers are sold with head / heatsink part so poorly finned ..... just as example, if you take
this one, and, instead those "half millimeter false fins", you put on it decent 3 mm fins, also in the flat part, you more than double the heat transfer efficency, and probably can use it with duty cycle almost 100% ..... it's not a $15 laser, after all ..... for that price, 5 $ more of working time (also less that are machine-made in series), can worth the expense, for improved working ..... or is so wrong, my idea ? (and, i'm not saying anything against o-like, be clear about this ..... it's just an example based on this or similar shapes of these lasers, from any seller)