Re: 1-1.2 watt 445nm lasers CHEAP $180
I would be worry if the host don't get hot. The heat must has been trapped inside and the diode will not last long.
Good point not many talk about.
I find it amusing when some folks brag because they feel little or no heat..... that could be a bad sign if the diode is frying on the inside and not dissipating heat to the body well.
My impressions of the Yobresal 1+ watt laser.....
I'm gonna write this assuming most who read this will have little or no background of lasers!
First of all, its a mean little buggar! BEEE Careful!
1. Not only is it quite light in weight, but its amazingly powerful..... I can't find anything in its class without nearly doubling the money!
For those of you on the fence about whether to jump because your not sure if your getting your moneys worth......let me ask a question..... Have you seen just one person come back and say it was lame and its a bad deal?
But just the contrary... everyone is rightfully raving over what they get in their hot little hands!.... Just go ahead and jump!
2. Heat dissipation is quite nice. Considering it has a recommendation to not run for over a minute, it doesn't come close to being "hot".... only warm.
And when you first turn on the laser, while you can tell the heat is coming from the front, the whole laser heats up at once rather than the front being warm while the back is still cold...... thats great!
As you hold it, your hand will dissipate the heat too.
If this were continuous duty "and its not" there is always a danger when the host is small if you turn it on an leave it on the counter.... then all it has is the air for heat to dissipate too.... you hand usually takes the heat better...enough rambling about that.
3. I can punch holes through black cd cases in less than a second.... it starts smoking instantaneously and you can write your name with constant movement across the surface as the smoke pours!
I focused it 30 feet away against my wall. This multimode diode going through this fully threaded 445 lens makes about a 3/4" line on the wall at that distance.
I walked over and put my hand behind the beam and I could only hold it there about 3 seconds.
I would not dare do this at closer than 10 Foot distances!
I accidentally put my finger in front of the beam just a millisecond while focusing once and after I jerked away, I literally smelt Protein burning as my flesh on my finger got toasted!
It never made a sore or blister.... I get I seared it all in one shot preventing infection.... LOL!
4. The lens is fully threaded and is slightly loose. As others have mentioned, I recommend a "single" layer of plumbers tape around the threads. If you use more than that, it will be harder to screw it back on and then when you loosen it, the thumb screw will come loose because its not glued.
I decided to put a tiny drop of glue on the edge of the threads where the thumbscrew goes on so I wouldn't have that problem..... the negative to that is that it will be harder to clean the lens with that on at some later date.....
5. I recently sold my 300mw Green Hercules laser. I cost me 1400.00. Its beauty of the beam and burning power doesn't come close to this little guy.... and the Hercules was a small baseball bat!.... the "only" advantage it had was being a single diode the dot was round at great distances whereas the multimode diodes produce a "line" that become apparent the farther you shoot.
But line or not, it burns!... if there was a way to force that line into a dot, it would burn even farther!
But the sheer power of this thing outweighs the green color of my Herc " green is normally more visible to the human eye than blue, and the dot "not being a dot".
At close distances even with your laser glasses on, the line is so short it looks and behaves and burns just like a dot anyway.
A few will wonder if they will need glasses with this.
Here's my take.
1. If your careful and don't shine into a mirror, prism, your chandelier, a drinking glass, or anything that could possibly send the beam back your direction for a direct hit into your eye, then you don't really need them "only" if you are are shooting into the distance to see the beam at night or hitting objects over 15 feet or so.
2. But as soon as you start needing to play and burn stuff up close, then you "do" need glasses!
The beam is so stinkin bright after it hits an object that you can't really see the dot for all the bright light.
The "good" thing about the bright light is that it
forces you to squint and it constricts your pupil to limit light coming into the retina.
The "bad" thing is you can't see what the heck your doing. The focused beam that would look like a 1/16 inch up close with glasses on "as it hit an object" looks like a quarter with the naked eye from all the splatter of light!
While the human eye is much better at contrast than a camera, this truly breaches the limit of what you eye can handle for contrast!
In other words, not only is it dangerous and at best hard on your eyes and gives you a headache and makes you see funny after-wards from the retina saturation, but you can't really burn well without glasses "at least until you develop your focusing skills" because you can't see where the hotspot tip of the laser is actually at.
Yes, burning paper or popping balloons would be easy, but if you try to cut a match stick into or do anything detailed like burn your name in wood, your lost.
Lastly let me say.... as you show off your new toy many will want to play with it themselves.
Keep in mind
its like giving someone a loaded gun!
If they are someone "like your kids" that you wouldn't hand a loaded gun to, then "don't!!!" unless your holding the laser at the same time in full control.
All it takes is a second to pull the trigger and take out the dogs eye!
These are only fun if your responsible.... just like guns!
Because of this sober reality, it will limit you as to where you can take it and play with it.
Thats the frustrating thing about powerful lasers... after a while, you will find you can't play with it as much as you thought.
I have the same problem with my .460 pistol or my 30-06 rifle! But man are they fun when you do!
But I promise you... take it to a fireworks display and you will steal the show!....I did it every year with my Hercules and this is more spectacular because of its power and size!
I still remember as one dad screamed at his kid...... "stop watching that laser and look at the fireworks!".... LOL! opps! :angel: