Hey Jayrob,
I've been eyeing your 18650 build kit for quite a while, waiting to gather up the money to buy it. The thing is though, I'm sort of confused about the different setups and heatsinks for the host. Let's say I have a 445 diode mounted into an AixiZ module, and nothing else. What would I need to mount the module and the diode into your host?
Also, I have noticed the V5 flexdrives are out of stock, and have been for a while now. I was just wondering if you have any in stock for your hot option, and if you could preset the current for me. I was just wondering what it would cost me to get a kit most suitable for my application (both w/ & w/o the flexdrive), and if you would ship overseas (Aus.) and how much at would cost.
Lastly, I'm wondering if you know what preset of the flexdrive should be used to get an output of 1-1.5k mW.
Thanks Jayrob, I'm looking forward to hearing a reply from you.