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  • Hi jayrob,

    I'm new to this forum and am wanting to get a 1.8w blue laser. Do you have any of these for sale? or the parts so I can assemble myself? also would you be able to show me where to get some good eye protection? sorry I don't know how to PM yet.

    Hello jayrob, I really need a heatsink for the Aurora SH-032. Either aluminum or copper. It will ship to Brazil. Please give me a quote and an email address to sens paypal to. Thanks!
    Hi Dhealer,

    Welcome to LPF!

    I'll send you a PM and give you links to proper eye protection, and a recommend kit... :beer:
    Dear jayrob,

    I'm kinda new to this forum. And you just became my idol.

    If it's not a problem, I want to ask for help.

    I bough some days ago some lasers (from cheap sellers) 200mW green laser (probably not even 50mW), 200mW red laser (still not real 200mw).

    I would like to have some blue laser now, probably 445-450nm, since the 473nm are too expensive. Could you give me a link with a tutorial where I can do my own build? Or where can I get all the parts I'll need? How would you counseil me to start building it?

    (I want it Handheld and with less than 1W output power).

    With Kind regards,
    Hi Jayrob,
    I have plans to build a 500mw laser using a 500mw 12X 405nm S06J Blu-Ray Laser Module W/Microboost Driver & Aixiz Glass off of ebay. I want to order a SolarForce L2 Gun Metal basic kit with the hot option, and having the driver set to 500mA. Does that sound about right? or should the driver be set lower. Also, would the 405 G-1 glass lense be neccesary? Sorry with all the questions, my 2nd laser build. Oh and last thing, I want the laser to be able to focus, so would the Ezfocus adapter or the custom focus knob be necessary for this feature?
    Thanks for your time.
    Hi Jayrob,

    You seem to be in the know here, I am a newcomer to laser fun. I'm a bit of a tech geek, usually building my own apple super computers and the occasional valve amp.. Lasers have now caught my eye! I just wanted to ask your advice on a handheld device that can be used outdoors at night to paint the sky with pretty shapes and point at stars. My budget is approx £50 or 80$ to include with postage to the UK. You probably get these newbie questions all the time but if you could fire me a recommendation, i'd appreciated your input, cheers Stuart
    That's a tall order for a hand held green... I'm personally not really up on exactly who will have one that is actually over 1 Watt, but you can just post your question in the Green Lasers forum and you will get answers... :beer:
    If I ordered 12X S06J Bluray Diode In Module W/Leads & 405-G-2 from DTR, what would I need to order from you to make an easy 2D Maglite kit? If I ordered your hot kit would it be as easy as soldering 2 wires and closing up the host?
    Here's links to some of my kits that are 'easy assembly':

    SolarForce kit
    C6 18650 kit
    Maglite Monster kit
    Saik kit
    Frankenstein kit

    Send me a PM... :beer:
    by the way this would be my first non store bought complete laser
    and im not great with an iron so if not an rl-118 what kit would u reccomend that i could use a leads attached module by dtr
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