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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Yes, he got to me fast. I think I can expect it beginning July or at the end of June from his latest answer. We have had a months long discussion (not continuos of course), he even posted in thread here when I asked about that beast. I have no doubt it will be an awesome product, however very specific. Not much use for common laserist I think (short duty cycle). But for me it is great - such a power in great beam opens new possibilities for me.
    Hi, my friend, I wanted to rep you earlier, but spreading limit... Anyway thanks. And Opto bunch should arrive like end of this week to Jack. (I just wrote him like almost hour ago for update.) After that he will checks it, test it and send it. I expect if everything goes well to enjoy it in week from 26th June (maybe...). As I have vaccation next week and taking a classic car drive from Vienna (120 years of Tatra), I'll be not available for customs requests if they want some documents or something. But I want it badly and very soon. :D I'll put an update on LPF once I try it. ;)
    I find that as well. :p Thank you GSS. My average time between reps is 4 days, sometimes more. You may find that in an hour or two you can rep some more. :)
    Just look how complex metal priters are. They even use some IR lasers, preheating furnaces of "dusty" material and layer by layer print incredible stuff. Often it is not possible to do with classic foundry processes. I work for company holding also holding foundries and part of the biggest in my country and 3D metal printing is something very precise, but expensive. Not only for laser hobby there would be benefit. Still he might even inspire and/or cooperate with someone to build that. But I'm just dreaming now. :D
    Thanks. I also want to rep you anytime. As well as a few other members, as they (including you) are contributing continiously and making LPF great and warm place to stay. Not sure about 3D. You know how it is everybody is different and since I also like psychology, sociology and I'm gaining more and more experience with that, I just cannot make my opinion from a little communication and my experience with him. I think it is as you say. He might be very useful in these small things. Definitely he will be capable of building something bigger. I reccomended him to work on some cheap hobby solution for metal printing. Might seem easy, but it is not, metal printing is very complicated compared to plastic AFAIK.
    Thanks for rep. I repped you already today, so I cannot get back enough to you. I need to care and explain as I think he should be a good contributor here. Since somebody passionated about 3D printing and lasers might bring new stuff to hobby here and enrich community of LPF. We need passionated members here. I think maybe language barrier might caused misunderstandings and it is my responsibility to make him understand it. It's nonsense to loose potentially great member here. The wider and better the community here, the more useful LPF will be IMO.
    lol, it is a lot harder to tip a double decker over than you might think. It has happened; but especially with newer designs, the weight is distributed to prevent this happening. :p
    You are very welcome GSS! :) Thanks for being a great member on here. Also the same, I always try to rep you as well. Just the system doesn't always allow it. Thank you. :beer:
    I bet you can't. It looks amazing. I know you will treasure that laser. But I want it. :p
    Enjoy and share it with us when you get it. :beer:

    Just had to watch that video again. :whistle: What a treat!
    So do I, but it is sometimes the ones you are close with. He had the most opportunities and I trusted him. I still don't know whether or not this is the case.
    Anyway, that is a bit weird of your neighbour. :thinking: I know what you are saying however.
    The thieving was bad enough, but the damage to my property is a lot worse. I hope so as well. Thanks for your support. :)
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